GDKP Ban Lifted

Are you joking me?

If anything, there is less bots because Blizzard is actually working on the real problem.


You’re just mad that you didn’t get a cut for grey parsing in a GDKP. You’re mad at your dad not at me. I forgive you.

You last comment has nothing of value and isn’t asking any questions. Do you want me to comment on how much I think its worthless?

Will just repost this here.

Because they can still sell to RMT Whales.

Those whales will never go away. (I think we established this earlier)

They just also can’t launder it for gear which makes more whales (As I outlined in the simplified example.)

Again, do you just want me to comment how I don’t derive any value from that comment?

Okay, but why do you still use the auction house if you hate RMT?

You’re just saying that gold sellers disappeared without any actual evidence.

I’ve been keeping track of it to see if what the anti crowd said was true so far it has been false.

You can’t prove that gold seller’s disappeared you’re just saying that because it counters your narrative m

You’re saying go tell her it’s disappeared yet we get a new video about how many bots there is in sod and you can look to see what the gold prices are.

So it didn’t solve any issue for the majority of players who didn’t participate in GDKPs?

Bots and RMT still exist and influence the game, no?

Even if you have less cancer in your body, you still have cancer.

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Where is evidence of less bots with GDKP ban

I would love to see the data

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There is no data. Aggrend is taking it out on GDKPs because he didn’t get a cut for grey parsing in one.

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You again with this asinine argument.

I’ve laid out for you, twice, why the argument is dumb and then you just ignored it and left me alone- Just skip to that part please.

Getting very tired of explaining the obvious to you.

(If you don’t stop trying to gaslight me with that 50IQ line with a stupid grin on your face, I’m going to report you for trolling and ignore you permanently for my mental health.)

I’m gonna report you for trolling first bubba. You’re a hypocrite and you know it.

Imagine that not all rmt was due to gdkp. Blizzard will never eliminate bots because they can’t and don’t want to.

NO ONE said it disappeared. Literally NO ONE.

Are there less bots? ABSOLUTELY. No fkn doubt about it.

Are there more angry GDKP RMT swipers and gold sellers on these forums? You bet your behind there is.

Aggrend literally already confirmed that there is less RMT now that GDKPs are removed.

Less RMT = Less bots. I can see it firsthand on Living Flame.

So you know what GDKP nerds? SEETHE. RAGE. CRY.

Learn to play the damn game for what it is. A GAME. It’s not a source of income for you and never should have been. Shove your complaints right where they belong.

Keep crying when SOD is dead because of no GDKPs.

ht tps://

Always funny the “troll” has more forum privilege’s than most.

I’m gonna pass on whatever computer virus you’re trying to give me. SOD is dying because the GDKP ban and WCL data supports that. Cry more for me.

No matter how you explain this, all these one dimensional anti-GDKP people on the forums can’t comprehend how things work in GDKP. There is at least 1 person who buys gold in a GDKP but you never know who it is. Now when you try to bring up the the auction house comparison they think it’s “fine” because they don’t care where the gold is coming from which is hilarious to me.