GDKP Ban Lifted

Gotta keep that gold flowin.

The game is better suited to meet the playerbase expectations and local policies than to try and force a single regions understanding on other regions. This the same reason why games like League of Legends has an entirely seperate game client for the Chinese servers.

You trying to declare them the sole issue to deflect from the malignant tumor that is GDKP just looks pathetic.

Saying drugs are bad but the Cartel is okay is kind of a weird look.

Gdkp gets banned.

Gold prices doubled.


700 posts over night. Anti andys sweating hard.

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Right…that’s how that works…

Again, deflecting accountability for a company valued more than Discover is as pathetic as it is insulting.

If bots didn’t get to play for months at a time, RMT wouldn’t be cheap and affordable.

Clearly demand went higher than supply hence the increase in gold prices.

But why?

Gdkps were banned.

What the bloody hell are you even talking about?

Ummm. No.

There are less people selling because there are less people earning gold via GDKPs and selling them. Most of those sellers quit because their source of revenue is gone.

Also…why do you know the price of gold? For you to know it went up means you have been looking for quite some time.

Oh, so we’re just back to the no-substance replies trying to deflect from a very obvious issue…this time with an appeal to classism.

Guess I’ll go back to ignoring your responses until you come up with something to discuss.

Are you really saying GDKPs are more of an issue compared to bots?

The bots that farm the materials that everyone buys on the Auction house?

The bots that farm vendor greys for pure gold increases?

I’m saying GDKPs and Bots go hand-in-hand.



Also this.

GDKPs = more gold buyers.

More gold buyers = more bots.

It does because players who use GDKP as a source of gold are now forced to farm or find other sources of income.

Well everyone knows its faster to work irl and pay for gold than to farm it. especially when competing with so many bots (and for like <10g/h)

So thats what they do to afford raiding/using consumes, And since gold is way cheaper now its even more accessible for them to purchase it.

So why do we still have bots? Do you see how dumb that sounds?

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Hey I’m already sold on the GDKP ban you don’t have to convince me further buddy

Never change nekrage :joy:

Pathetic and uninformed if you believe that.

Bots still exist and GDKPs don’t. How does that work?

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Never :slight_smile:

And there are less bots now that GDKPs are banned. You can see it first hand on Living Flame.

Are there still bots? You betcha.
Are there less? Absolutely.

And since you replied to me directly, I will repost my previous statement which you so conveniently avoided replying to.