GDKP Ban Lifted

GL with appeal bro.

It is nice to see people coming to an understanding despite their differences

Good job bringing it together


I know this is a very divisive topic so that must have been hard

Not really, big far left companies love to virtue signal and then change their “morals” once it fits their wallet.

Remember African Americans and/or Lgbtq people in movies and how quickly the disappear when movie companies need money from the Middle East and Asia?


i didnt expect to find literal propoganda in this thread

How is the latter a response to the former?

I love to stretch things into anorexic proportions, but this feels like a complete non sequitur.

I try to understand and relate to you folks but it is really hard sometimes.

Are you honestly saying Taiwan’s survival is dependent on GDKP

Hope gdkps return

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Era GDKPs are bad but its super easy to make gold on those servers due to RMT inflation.

Farm 1 stack of anything and sell it for 400g

Lol yeah ok bud.

If you want to trade irl money for irl money and items using a third party app and trust ppl enough to deal with it I really don’t care… it doesn’t impact us at all

What I do care about is bot farms having significantly more purpose to function because they use gold to power these raids, gold that absolutely impacts players who don’t gdkp.

I have had more fun raiding on Era GDKPs than any other time in my wow raiding history.


400g when AQG goes for 75k gold and tier 1 goes for 5k for a belt.

Yeah good luck

yeah its called work for your gold so you can buy gear just like any other iteration of GDKPs lmao

Getting 20 stack of anything on era vs the army of farming bots and third country farmers… yeah good luck

It’ll take you two hours to find half a stack of any valuable herb


Have you done a GDKP in last few weeks? T1 was going for min bid basically. My last MC the payout was just a couple hundred gold.

No joke we had like 20-something shards in the floor

Outside full bis items are dirt cheap rn.

Even last week I saw a couple warrior t2.5 including shoulders go for under 10k


They won’t stay the same forever, but without GDKP the prices would certainly stay lower, for much longer, since the vector for RMT money would drop significantly.

It’s the difference in how fast a floor would flood with a hose feeding a water bottle with some pin holes vs a water hose in a colander.

Where our server here in the states?



I think one positive the “ban” on GDKP in SoD definitely showed is that this entire game is infested with RMT, the ban certainly hasn’t slowed any “inflation” or kept the economy in check at all.

That being said GDKP is still the best raiding system for pugs hands down and its not even close.


What an odd thing to say.

Eilxir of Ogre’s Strength is the same 15-20 silver it was back in P1.

the buy stuff off the ah and contribute to the market with craftible items

Its very straight forward. no matter how you go about making gold in era (aside raw gold farms) you will catch up to everyone else.

Consume prices is negatively correlated with bot activity.

More bots = cheaper consumes (for most consumes).

What gets ‘inflated’ in price are BoEs and rare things that bots do not farm.

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