GDKP Ban Lifted

are you alluding to your botfarm?

You’re professional clown buddy. What clown college did you go to?

we have infinitely more evidence than you do in the form of a blue post, waiting on your data points still, don’t type until you can pull those up for me

Enjoy your dead server bro

:rofl: so you admit it

I don’t admit anything. You’re the one admitting to being a clown.

Show me logs where you cleared gnomer and i’ll back off. Till then the door is that way.

you have a serious mental deficiency if you think 35k people is a dead server. THE premier server in classic launch was grobbulus, you can view that through online media, accounts from players that were there, and media created as well as the subreddit, which was more active than EVERY other subreddit combined btw. grobbulus population in classic did not exceed 8000 on that website you love to quote the fake numbers from

Again, waiting for your gnomer logs.

Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out bubba

it took you 3 weeks to clear kelris why would i show you my gnomer logs

How did we get back here AGAIN, inside 30 minutes?

This warlock doesn’t have any SOD logs. I love it when you lie.

This is so that in the event of an invasion from mainland China. The Republic of China will be able to convert all their global assets into in game World of Warriors currency

Without GDKP the Republic of China would be pawns to the People Republic of China’s control of Final Fantasy Gil

As you can see this situation goes well beyond our virtual environment and the ban on GDKP, and threatens western hegemony abroad.

As patriots we must stand with the Republic of China’s effort to preserve the nation of Taiwan and their economic interests.

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this warlock is lvl 70, reported for trolling gl with appeal

Can’t argue with me with real logic so you just report. QQ buddy.

I’ve already asked for your evidence about AH rmt, you deflected and brought up server numbers, to which I proved again your fake outrage is null when I could point to grobbulus, you cried and brought up logs.

I’m not crying about anything. You’re the one crying that i’m some type of bot when this account doesn’t even play SOD. You’re pathetic bro. Grow up and go touch some grass.

gl with appeal

GL finding some grass to touch.