GDKP Ban Lifted

i could just as easily say that 90% of gdkp payouts were all 100g and have no evidence, and people wouldn’t have any way of knowing

Didn’t I see this ridiculous argument from you before?

I’m not going through all that again. Just skip to the part where you stopped responding because it was made crystal clear that the AH doesn’t drive nearly as much RMT because everything on it can be acquired 2 or more different ways and thus has competition and market forces… as opposed to GDKP where the BoP gear is acquired one way, and one way only. “Gold”

The AH involves more RMT than GDKP ever did. Why are you mad I’m calling you out?

you’re in a wannabe echo guild that wishes they could clear content as fast as I used to

Brother is typing with his mouth open ong

gdkp involves the most RMT out of anything in the game, that’s a fact

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I don’t even know what guild this warlock is in anymore. Good try though bud. Enjoy more trolling reports.

Let’s see your evidence.

Wait. You don’t have any evidence. This is what normal people call talking out of your butt.

That’s crap, and everyone here knows it.

Including you. (Unless of course you’re talking about the RMT acquired through GDKP, then they’re one and the same.)

looks at era

let’s see the evidence you have that more rmt is taken place in the AH, oh wait you don’t have any because you’re trolling and want your RMT infested gdkp to come back.

100% false. As someone who has been in trouble for RMT I used all of that gold on the AH.

As has a lot of players who have been in a progression or parsing oriented guild.

Bro, your tears are delicious. Keep crying.

You say that in past tense…

Why you lyin?

Again, where do you think dirt cheap herbs come from? It’s not players.

What am I lying about?

I caught a 14 day vacation for being bad.

sorry but your anecdotal experience doesn’t mean anything, show us actual evidence not “it happened to me!”

no proof? :joy:

I mean you can’t show evidence either. Pot calling the kettle black.

Dirt Cheap Herbs?

Goldthorn going for 42s a pop right now.

That’s 5 goldthorn for a quest turn in, homes.