GDKP Ban Lifted

You’re calling me a bot, bot farmer, and an RMTer. Why don’t you go ahead and start calling me some slurs because i’m jewish too?

those aren’t assumptions, you stated you were pro gdkp didn’t you? and a summoning bot for your guilds world bosses. but go ahead and bring up religion and political parties see how quick that gets you banned

I’m already reporting you for trolling because you are. Let’s see who gets banned first buba.

Not the first thing you’ve misread.

I’ve not been replying to you. (Given this topic, I don’t think anyone is surprised at you misunderstanding the blatant.)

You still haven’t accepted that GDKP is the easiest and most prolific distributer of illicit gold (Laundered) into the wow economy and its effects on prices. Nor have you provided an argument as to why it isn’t or couldn’t be.

Until then, I’m just not talking to you. Until you have something of substance, you might as well ignore me because…you’re not worth it so it’s not about you.


This is kind of just proof that you have no argument if you bring this stuff up.


So what’s your thoughts on the auction house?


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It might be in a late stage economy with no gold sinks, but the GDKPs that were goin on P1 had almost zero impact on the rest of the population.

Unless you want to argue that the average 5-7g payouts were game breaking compared to other issues, like bots, in the game.

I mean bubba is calling me a bot, a bot farmer, and rmter without proof. You anti gdkp folks can’t read that far into the script can you?

deflection tactic, answer the question directly or you’re supporting RMT

Troll /10char

I’m not. You are by using the auction house bud. I love reporting you.

more wildly inaccurate claims from the pro goldbuying side with no evidence or proof or even data points.

Closest you’ve come to acceptance.

Progress indeed.

So you support the auction house or you don’t? I know people that buy gold through it.

that’s what I thought, no argument against the guy you replied too, reported for trolling

It distributes the gold but that’s not always a bad thing.

The RMT exist with or without the GDKPs. That paired with the botting is the real issue.

And RMT is only as convenient as is it because of the bots.

If it cost $1000 to buy 1g, RMT wouldn’t be as much of an issue.

Reported for reporting.

more deflection, why can’t you answer a simple question and quit trolling

Bro, you’re trolling. You hate GDKPs because they clear content that you can only dream about.