GDKP Ban Lifted

Wait until the content has some difficulty.

since you didnt seem to understand

They always pivot to that because they do not have arguments. This entire thread was created because the OP didn’t read something correctly.

I did look. They are not 99s/100s. They are not at a RWF level. So you have no experience doing either of those and therefore, your claims about them are not credible.

You will continue to not be listened to. GDKPs will remain banned.


You are obsessed with me, aren’t you?

GDKPs are clearing heroic lich king. SRs aren’t. He doesn’t understand that. Don’t feed the troll.

you are a bad pug so it would be a cure to you being able to pug? i dont get it

Because I haven’t went hard at leveling content I can’t speak on parsing. Okay rofl

Just ignore all those glorious pinks I have when its in full raids.

Do you realize how much of a joke you sound like right now?

“You didn’t get world first BFD, therefore you have no grounds to say you’re good”

Show me your logs and i’ll show you mine. Enjoy another report bud.

one more time for those in the back that cant read english very well

Bro, get a life. You’re just angry you can’t clear Gnomer.

What are you even speaking about dude, no one can understand you?

sorry botlover, no thanks, im not interested in the gold youre trying to sell

Leveling content =/= parsing in raid. I’m not sure how you confused the two.

And yet, Blizzard is listening to me and not you. What do you make of that?

Another misreading. The point of this is that you said RWF and parsing at a 99/100 level costs more gold than GDKPs. You have no idea because you have done neither. Please keep up with your own arguments:

it’s pretty easy to read this quote

Keep making assumptions about me and i’ll keep reporting till you get banned by a bot.

GDKP andys are just a neverending stream of tears


10 man raids aren’t full sized raids. It’s like parsing on trash.

the only people that “cant understand” are the ones with cognitive dissonance that typically reply with “it depends” because they have no real stance on any issue

Can’t clear Gnomer andys mad that they can’t clear Gnomer

RWF is expensive, so is chasing 99s and 100s. I have done the latter. How dense do you have to be?