GDKP Ban Lifted

I’m not the one claiming to. You do not have 99s/100s and you do not raid at a RWF level. There is no reason to trust any information you have presented in regards to either of those types of players. Moreover, you have already spread misinformation in the OP.

Is that the only thing you took away from my multiple responses?

show me where the fake “numbers” hurt you to lie about the gamemode “dying” :joy:

I don’t do RWF, taking off time for a video game is not my style.

I do parse well though, when I want to.

I have other classes with oranges/pinks too, not just the paladin in naxx either.

so not “past tense” hilarious and another report for trolling

This is my world boss summoner from SOM. Stop assuming bro.

  1. Not in SoD
  2. Tank character, not exactly the most competitive role for parses
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im not your bro, bot

I mean the numbers on WCL aren’t fake, but keep coping when your server is dead homie. Let’s see your logs.

Reported for trolling. Enjoy

10 mans aren’t really that great of an example either.

Let me see your buddy.

servers literally been crashing the past few days because of too many people on it, so your brain sounds like the fake thing here


More reports coming your way bro.

Do you have something from SoD? No? Then why are you speaking on how much it costs in SoD?

How did this get to be a log swap discussion? GDKPs are a disease in wow regardless of logs.

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You can look, I do have things from SoD.

But parsing in 10mans is a joke, its all about group comp at that point. I don’t have a hunter in my group most of the time, do you know how big of an issue that is for parsing?

I think GDKPs are the cure to avoiding bad pugs, but you do you boo boo.

hilarious you bring up parses when you’re saying it’s behind you as “past tense”, like I said saying top parsers buy more gold than gdkps isn’t helping your pro gdkp stance when you try to fit into both camps that spend exorbitant amounts on gold, when you’ve said you don’t care if people buy gold. you’ve lost

Why do you keep replying to me, do you have a crush?

I had a nice pug this last lockout just fine.

Evidently I just have better taste.

I hope you don’t use the auction house.