GDKP Ban Lifted

A lot of the players in that Taiwan thread don’t seem too happy to be exempt, seems they have similar disagreements in the community over GDKP like our’s does.

Translating things is fun, sheds some light on the situation.


no, you can easily go look up the ingame advertisement policy and see that any individual or group selling items or services for gold is not allowed to advertise in lfg.

i wish i could report more than this many times in 24 hours because you’re clearly trolling asking what spam is when you know spam is flooding the chatbox

And the people saying “its different cultures” didn’t read. Thank you for doing so.

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GDKPs aren’t selling gear though.

Ticket runs are.

it’s an objective fact that gdkps are selling items for gold, there’s no way you can explain it otherwise

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:rofl: :rofl:

No gold is made in the GDKP.

If the average gold a raider goes into a GDKP with is 100g, they walk out with an average of 100g too.

:rofl: :rofl:

who asked? that’s irrelevant spam

Care to explain where wealth is created in a GDKP? Enlighten us.

okay I’ll have to log onto other accounts to report your trolling since you want to get off topic and pretend that items aren’t being sold in gdkps

My browsers translate is bad but when there are legit sentences of “why can’t you stand your ground?.. Are we encouraging everyone to go to RMT?” shows that on some level this was not a popular decision to be exempt from the ban. Add some credence to the government/law blocking it concept.

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People over there are super upset at GDKPs not being banned, the vocal ones anyways. I really feel the forums would echo the same feeling here should they reverse the ban.

Thank you for actually getting to the point of my thread too! I’m more so focused on the inconsistencies of the policies they put in place.

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You are trying to now push the goal post. ROFL!

You started by saying no gold in made. That’s false. Players are making gold by running GDKPs. They are not CREATING gold.

GDKPs support RMT. Period.

you need to be more focused on the inconsistencies in your thinking, where someone can buy 10 gold for 100 dollars but not 100 gold for 10 dollars

No gold is made in a GDKP from a macro lens.

So again, no gold is made in a GDKP. Just redistributed.

There’s a line but I don’t think someone who can’t grasp the idea of “it depends” should really be focusing on that.

your line is made up because you clearly don’t have one, you’ve shown time and time again you don’t care if people buy gold

I do have one, I said it depends. Are you still struggling with that idea?

thats what it is, just an idea, not a concrete statement because you can’t even come up with your imaginary line where you think goldbuying goes from bad to good, pathetic