GDKP Ban Lifted

But I do care if people buy gold, it just depends on the situation.

you just stated that you didn’t care, so which is it, you can’t flipflop

People want to be paid for their time.

You still have no clue the difference between a GDKP redistributing gold, and a boss that creates wealth.

I said it depends, but you might not understand English well enough to understand what that means.

you still can’t differentiate between a wageslave salary warehouse job and an online video game raid

Who hurt you?

you can’t say “it depends” like that makes goldbuying okay, because it doesn’t
and you keep avoiding my question

I answered your question, didn’t I?

It depends is an answer, a very good one too that I even gave examples with.

If you dont want to carry some noob for free then join a guild scrub :skull::skull:

no, for the third time, would you care if someone hacked into your bank account and emptied it


GDKP 是一種在魔獸世界團隊中分配戰利品的系統。在一個 GDKP 的團隊中,玩家可以用金幣來競標掉落的物品,而競標的金額會在團隊結束時平分給其他玩家。這種系統在魔獸世界經典版中非常流行,也在探索賽季的第一階段中廣泛使用。但是,在探索賽季的第二階段中,開發者想要移除這種系統,因為他們認為它會破壞遊戲的平衡和樂趣。

在美服和歐服的探索賽季伺服器中,開發者對玩家出售團隊物品實施了新的限制,也就是禁止 GDKP 的方式。這是為了防止玩家利用金幣來獲得過於強大的物品,並保持遊戲的挑戰性和公平。然而,在台灣伺服器中,開發者沒有實施這些新限制,原因有幾個:

台灣伺服器的金幣經濟和價值不同於美服和歐服的伺服器。台灣伺服器的金幣更容易獲得和消耗,因此 GDKP 的方式並不會造成過於嚴重的影響。
台灣伺服器的玩家數量和活躍度不同於美服和歐服的伺服器。台灣伺服器的玩家比較少,而且比較難找到合適的團隊。因此,GDKP 的方式可以幫助玩家更容易地參與團隊活動,並增加遊戲的樂趣。


TLDR: 台灣伺服器沒有實施金幣使用限制政策,是因為台灣玩家的文化,習慣,經濟,和活躍度不同於美服和歐服的玩家。開發者想要為每個地區提供最適合的遊戲體驗,而不是一刀切的規則 thank you.

It depends.

do you believe in any laws?

Do I believe in things that actually deserve my effort?

Does someone spending $100k on 1 g really deserve my attention and efforts? Or am I just being petty at that point?

so laws don’t deserve your effort? please continue to express that to society while trying to uphold the “values” of a gdkp, so that everyone can see how a typical gdkp supporter acts

Have you never broken a law in your entire life? Never jay walked or crossed the street when you weren’t supposed to?

If you saw someone jaywalking, would you be sure to report it and uphold the values? Do you see the brown on your nose?

Why is this thread even here? It’s complete clickbait. The ban wasn’t lifted. There never was a ban on Taiwan.


Hello, thank you for sharing your thoughts on the exploration season. I’m not quite sure what you mean by “pillar of World of Warcraft,” but I’d like to explain why there isn’t a gold coin usage restriction policy (GDKP) on the Taiwan servers.

GDKP is a system used in World of Warcraft raids to distribute loot. In a GDKP raid, players can bid gold coins on dropped items, and the total amount bid is then divided among the raid members at the end. This system was very popular in World of Warcraft Classic and was widely used in the first phase of the exploration season. However, in the second phase of the exploration season, developers wanted to remove this system because they believed it would disrupt the game’s balance and enjoyment.

In the exploration season servers of the US and EU regions, developers implemented new restrictions on players selling raid items, effectively banning GDKP. This was done to prevent players from using gold coins to obtain overly powerful items and to maintain the game’s challenge and fairness. However, on the Taiwan servers, developers did not implement these new restrictions for several reasons:

  1. The player culture and habits on the Taiwan servers are different from those on the US and EU servers. Taiwanese players prefer more freedom and diverse ways to play the game rather than being forced to adhere to certain rules.
  2. The gold coin economy and value on the Taiwan servers differ from those on the US and EU servers. Gold coins are easier to obtain and spend on the Taiwan servers, so the GDKP system does not have as significant an impact.
  3. The number of players and activity levels on the Taiwan servers differ from those on the US and EU servers. There are fewer players on the Taiwan servers, making it harder to find suitable raid groups. Therefore, the GDKP system can help players participate in raid activities more easily and enhance the enjoyment of the game.

In conclusion, developers believe that it’s unnecessary to implement gold coin usage restrictions on the Taiwan servers because doing so might go against the preferences and expectations of Taiwanese players and could lower the quality and appeal of the game. This does not mean that developers have different standards or biases towards the Taiwan servers; rather, it shows that developers respect the cultural and demand differences of each region and strive to provide the most suitable gaming experience for each one.

TLDR: The absence of gold coin usage restrictions on the Taiwan servers is due to differences in Taiwanese player culture, habits, economy, and activity levels compared to US and EU players. Developers aim to provide the most suitable gaming experience for each region instead of enforcing one-size-fits-all rules. Thank you.

So why did Blizzard make a thread about it?

Sure there wasn’t an official ban, but players didn’t know it was different.

you said “it depends” when asked if you’d be okay with someone hacking into and emptying your back account, insane dialogue

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