GDKP Ban Lifted

You finally understand my point then, or is your brain hurting from the strain?

GDKPs are amazing for not having to rely on committed players always showing up and playing the game as much as you.

What amount of gold would you be satisfied with if Blizzard offered a flat gold reward for gnomer completion?

and now you come up with an even more ridiculous and childish statement

Doesn’t work like that, it’s a market.

Would it bother you, yes or no?

Are you petty enough to be bothered if someone spent $100k on 1 gold?

What do you mean it doesn’t work like that, what is “your time” valued at?

If everyone is getting gold at the end of the raid don’t you think the market prices would adjust?

the fact that you consider it petty tells blizzard all they need to know about the typical gdkp supporter

So you would be bothered if someone spent $100k on 1 gold. Can I ask why? Do you think it would give them a clear advantage over you?

So is the problem that everyone who did the raid would benefit, rather than just your little ToS breaking operation?

Do you understand the concept of inflation?

No gold is made in a GDKP. If everyone got Xg from the end boss, then there would be gold made.

In a GDKP the whole raid goes in with a set potential pot amount, it doesn’t change inside the raid.

because it’s in violation of tos, would you be bothered if someone hacked into and emptied your bank account?

You’re not helping the case that GDKP isn’t predicated on the investment of gold buyers.

I’m asking why you would be bothered by it.

You’re not helping the fact it shows you don’t understand how markets work.

I replied, learn to read

I’m not a petty as you, no. If someone spent $100k on 1g it wouldn’t bother me. Even the slightest.

Wrong. There is GDKP guilds with set rosters. try again trollboy

we know, you’ve made it obvious you don’t care if people buy gold. don’t dodge my question, would you care if someone hacked into and emptied your bank account to buy that 1 gold?

You’re asserting that people need to be paid for their time. But being paid by the game is bad, because that would drive inflation. But being paid by players is good, because this a redistribution of wealth, clearly ignoring the fact that this wealth is money flooded into the market through RMT.