GDKP Ban Lifted

I would be. Its clear and obvious that GDKP drives RMT, there is no doubt about it. The SoD community seems overwhelmingly in support. If you dont like it, go play era or WOTLK where GDKPs and P2W and wildly accepted and available.

The reason its being lifted in Taiwan is because in Asian culture, P2W and the wow token is normal, they dont see it as cheating.

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That’s not what I asked. I didn’t say what incentive does an individual have to do GDKP. I asked what incentive does a guild, say 10 or 15 people who raid together regularly, have to do GDKP to gear up rather than simply rolling for loot.

Please try to address my actual question rather than getting your panties in a wad over strawmen you choose to argue with.

do you care if people buy gold or not

Retain value from previous raids? What happens when the priest in a group leaves when they get BiS? Atleast the GDKP group gets to keep the gold they spent obtaining the gear. The SR folk have another Priest to content with on drops now.

Do you understand or are your panties getting in your way?

Depends on the situation.

I have an issue with blizz putting the burden of identifying illicit gold on the player. That is their job not ours. Let blizz get rid of the RMT gold. With no RMT/bot gold there is no problem.

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The answer is there is no incentive. That’s why they just gear up normally and then run GDKP with randos that swipe for gold so they can profit off of their RMT money.

And you guys try to justify this practice by saying that occasionally one of those ‘normal’ people might drop some of the gold they obtained from swiper generated pots on an item themselves that they weren’t lucky enough to win in a MS/OS roll in previous raids.

You didn’t read my post did you.

Retention of value. GDKP raiders get to keep the gold when a player falls from the ranks. All other loot systems get no retention in that regard.

??? how does it ever depend on the situation

Do I care to hear if someone spent $1000 on 1g. No.

Do I care to hear if someone spent $1 on 1000g. Yes.

Then they get kicked out of the guild and are not invited to future raids?

Have you ever been in a NON gdkp guild?

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What incentive does a group of raiders have to do SR raids when someone can leave and they have to restart progress? What do they get to retain when that BiS player leaves? If a guild gives their warrior Thunderfury and he leaves, what do they get?

this is the most braindead take I have ever read on the forums. it should never “depend on the situation” and thats why gdkps should 100% stay banned cause people like who, you don’t really care if anyone buys gold, support them for very obvious reasons


Am I supposed to say “then they pick up a rando with a visa card with a really big spending limit so even if they don’t get anything they need from the raid, the rando will have created a really big pot by spending stupid amounts of gold no sane person would spend on these trash drops”

How did my statement confuse you?

Are you that dense? Why couldn’t they just recruit another member?

You miss the entire point by making these weird reaching statements.

GDKPs you either walk away with A) Upgrades or B) Gold.

Most other raids it’s either A or nothing. That’s the benefit.

Atleast in a GDKP if that warrior leaves with Thunderfury you’re still holding his gold.

I wasnt commenting on culture at all, but ok lmao.

it didn’t confuse me at all, you clearly stated theres plenty of scenarios where you don’t care if people bought gold, and came up with a fake scenario to make yourself feel better about admitting it

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So if someone spent $100,000 on 1 gold that would bother you?

You guys are really arguing in bad faith tbh. Even if blizzard gave a flat gold reward for raid completion you wouldn’t be satisfied, so it’s not really about paying people for their time it’s about potentially getting huge chunks of gold from gold buying idiots.