GDKP Ban Lifted

What does that have to do with anything?

You do realize you can walk away from a GDKP with more gold, correct?

you have a 71 average in bfd you are incapable of carrying and you are too poor to buy items in gdkp so idk why you’re advocating for a pay to win goldbuying/selling system you cant take part of

Rofl are you looking at my 10man logs? Go look at my stuff in a full group baby.

you are lvl 25

I dunno man, explain to me how your guild of good players, which would imply they have good gear, are able to consistently walk away from GDKP with a net profit week after week.

The obvious answer is you’re carrying swipers, but maybe there’s something I’m missing.

Not everyone walks away with a profit since no gold is made during the raid. It’s only redistributed. Math.

When things get to a raid size that is acceptable I’ll put more effort into my parses. Until then I’ll run with the boys.

the reason i keep bringing up that you are a botfarmer and a goldbuyer or seller is because i explain to you, in your terms, how your parses suck and youre poor but you’re advocating for a gdkp which will almost forbid you from pugging, then you ignore me because im right

Holy English dude, come on.

My parses when I want to are great, don’t give me a reason to post them.

From who to who? That’s the point, your guild isn’t doing this with themselves over and over. There would be no point, as the money would just get redistributed around, and it’d be no different than had you just rolled for the items.

The obvious answer again is from the swiper to your guildies. That’s why all of the trade chat spam was groups of 7 or 8 people advertising GDKP for a couple people to join with their credit card ready.

you dont have to post them anyone can google your tos violating username on wcl and see for themselves how bad they are

Some are though.

You have a sick fetish with my name, don’t you?

From who to who? That’s the point, your guild isn’t doing this with themselves over and over.

wrong GDKP guilds exist. Korean started this trend with a GDKP guild.

What are you even on about lmao

and GDKP guilds don’t run exclusively with themselves, they run with a handful of swipers to fund the raid.

or they bring in a couple of fresh swiper guild recruits that funnel gold up to the guild leadership.

That’s the point, there’s zero incentive for 10 or 20 “good” players to do GDKP to gear up, they’d just be passing gold around to eachother when they could have just rolled on it.

Therefore the incentive lies in carrying noobs with thick wallets, which several of you have admitted to already.

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do you care if people buy gold?

Amazing sweeping statement.

How can we not be sure that a Loot Council guild leader isn’t taking money on the side for new trials?

Can’t I say “All new trials in LC groups are paying the RLs money on the side for their gear!”

ik youre a bot but ill ask you as well, do you care if people buy gold?

What incentive does say, 10 to 15 people, have to use GDKP amongst themselves with the intent of gearing up.

How many times do I have to repeat myself…

A) You either get upgrades you want or
B) You walk away with some gold to cover raid cost

If that’s too foreign of a concept for you to understand, God help us.