GDKP Ban Lifted

It is the main pugging version when the game gets to a later stage.

People who say that GDKP doesn’t necessitate gold buying: would you guild bring a rando that only has 10g on his character yes or no?


Yes. If they aren’t there to buy and can be considered a carry instead of a buyer.

Does that answer your question?

Move to Taiwan, then. You gold buyers need to let this horse die.

ah yes, Taiwan’s Anti-GDKP Ban law of 2024 :expressionless: how could we forget

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What do you mean “can be considered a carry?”

If most people are there to compete for items, why are you offended if the person you’re carrying isn’t buying items?

Maybe, just maybe, is it because the incentive to run the GDKP in the first place is to bring a handful of idiots with a ton of gold, and artificially drive up the prices of items so you can disseminate that sweet sweet RMT money throughout your guild?


They don’t need gear in the sense they already have it and will execute the mechanics appropriately.

Is that a difficult concept for you to understand?

Why would I be offended that someone whose not contributing to the raid is there? Is this a real question?

Do you like players who don’t contribute to the raid? I don’t.

Suck it up cupcake.

Perhaps i mispoke by agreeing they are a “carry.” I meant “person who isn’t guild member” that doesn’t really need the gear but is out dpsing your entire raid.

Why would I care that someone isn’t in our guild if they’re performing as expected?

Again, to answer your question from earlier you can join GDKPs with no gold. But you need to be on a toon with gear that can perform to do so, else you’re not contributing what others are expected in the raid.

I mean I’m suspending my knowledge of the objective fact that tons of guilds operate GDKP’s solely to milk RMTers, such that they will have guildies bid on items they don’t need with zero intent of buying them, and if they do buy them, the gold is given back, and the only gold that is disseminated is the money they milk from swipers.

But go off with your defense of it as a legitimate loot system.

Are you upset that I answered your question so easily?

Nope, I just think you’re full of poopie and you wouldn’t bring anyone without checking their gold first. Because they only reason you’re doing this in the first place is so that they’ll bid on items to make a pot at end.

So you choose ignorance? Good for you I suppose.

Again, why would I check someone’s gold who has no intention of spending any of it? Are you that dense?

Doing backflips in attempt to justify how making tons of gold off of swipers in a GDKP is legitimate gameplay.

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why would anyone take you too any raid since you are both poor in terms of currency and performance?

Backflips? Why would someone in BiS need gold for a GDKP?

I have plenty of gold and do just fine in my performance.

you are dirt poor and have lackluster performance, so why would anyone take you to any raid?