GDKP ban, good or bad for the community

It’s humorous that you guys think nobody uses gold gained from GDKP for anything other than more GDKP.


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I agree. Blizzard has stated it has multiple systems to detect a GDKP, but still can’t stop RMT.

because rmt enjoyers are reallllly mad about not being able to just buy their bis openly anymore :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Arguments against GDKP:

Potential for pay-to-win: GDKP can incentivize buying gold with real money, which Blizzard has cracked down on before. This can create an unfair advantage for players who spend more and hurt the in-game economy.
Reduced emphasis on teamwork and community: If players are just bidding on loot, it can diminish the collaborative and social aspects of raiding, potentially harming community building and long-term engagement.
Devalues in-game rewards: Raids are designed to offer gear progression through participation and skill. GDKP bypasses this system, potentially making base rewards feel less valuable and reducing the sense of accomplishment.
Arguments for GDKP:

Player agency and choice: GDKP offers players more control over their loot acquisition, which some find appealing. It allows them to target specific items and potentially gear up faster.
Raid accessibility: GDKP can open up raiding to players who might not have a dedicated guild or time commitment for static raiding. This can potentially expand the player base and engagement.
Guild alternatives: GDKPs can be a viable alternative for players who dislike traditional guild loot systems, offering more transparency and fairness in loot distribution.
Ultimately, the impact of GDKP on subscriptions and revenue is difficult to predict. It depends on various factors, including:

How Blizzard manages GDKP and potential gold buying: Stricter measures could deter negative aspects but also restrict player choice.
Player preferences and community perception: If a significant portion of players enjoy GDKP and find it adds value, it might not negatively impact subscriptions.
Alternatives available: If players dislike GDKP and lack appealing alternatives, they might unsubscribe or play less, impacting revenue.
Instead of a simple “good” or “bad” answer, it’s important to consider the various perspectives and potential consequences. Blizzard will likely monitor the situation closely and make adjustments based on data and player feedback to ensure the long-term health of the game and their business.

show your sources/evidence that its 100% thanks

its not hard to make gold. most gear go for about 5g-10g in those runs, thats 3-6ish quests
some people also saved up money while leveling… some people sell of loot in the AH ETC. you are fabricating conspiracy theories with zero proof being shown where you are pulling your numbers from

thats wildly untrue…show me your data in witch you have come to this conclusion? most people i know carrying the GDKP runs are NOT gold sellers

dont like it dont give them your exact wallet size… i simply always said enough… and i got in

go do 3 quests at max level and you can easily win pieces from these runs. who cares about his level… you have a whole host of people saying the same thing from their mains

you are lying or assuming… pick one

show your proof he is a gold buyer that buys gold… did you hack the blizzard servers and look into his account?.. if not then you are throwing allegations pretending them to be facts and people like you need to be reported and banned for defamation

There might be a workarround for those looking to trade gold for loot. hard reserve with a payout iff drop might still be within the rules but I would avoid the hr runs even if you dont need the item. Because if the sword is reserved there might be alot of casters.

The best case would be if gnomer was easy for loot in that phase and they had a bunch of loot drops like zg. But with power creep having level 50 stuff be on par with bwl/mc gear might be the case that the level 50 raid might be the right time for it to be hard. Especally if trends continue and the gear will probably be much better than pre-raid bis in vanilla.

Enough with the gaslighting. You know you are an RMT trash player that bought gold, otherwise you wouldn’t care about the loot system. Thats why you (and every other GDKP defender) don’t even post with your SoD characters. Its transparent.

Honestly, instead of trying to dictate how other people play the game, or making baseless accusations accusing people of RMT simply because they disagree with you, instead put some effort in, create your own raids, and quit being angry that people might have something you don’t have and which you feel you are entitled to.

[quote=“Xelek-crusader-strike, post:89, topic:1779555”]
Enough with the gaslighting. You know you are an RMT trash player that bought gold,

please provide the links to my banks statements that show i have bought gold, until then this is subjective defamation hearsay

this is factually untrue… Im simply new to using the forums and a old toon was already picked and i simply didnt change it as now i have to come out and fight back against the vocal minority that have effected the gameplay i pref for a whole host of reasons that have nothing to do with RMT and to reduce it down to simply gdkp = rmt is intellectual lazyness at best and willful ignorance at worse

Gdkp ban is just dumb some people have small guilds that need to find people that wanna play this makes it where guilds dont have to disband they can just run a gdkp and continue with their friends otherwise they would have to disband so saying gdkp is problem no its bot making everything cheap and forcing people to keep up with the 600g blue prices its dumb cuz you take bis item its 600g but everything is farmed out by bots and go for silver get rid of the bots not the gdkp and wow economy will take care of itself

People dont get on with sod toons because we dont get on here every day crying about useless things as much as you

Yes you and every other GDKP player reads from the same script: claiming they don’t buy gold, that in fact they possess very effective gold farming methods where they get thousands of gold per week, that they are one of the “honest” players and that GDKP hosts are not gold sellers.

The gaslighting is terrible at this stage.

Honey if you were not an RMT player who has probably spent money on gold, you wouldn’t really care about GDKP being gone. The only reason you have over 50+ posts on the subject, is because you are heavily invested in it.

Its so transparent its funny, and its lovely to see all the RMT crowd outing themselves, which is the reason you don’t post on your SoD characters, as you don’t want to get laughed at for spending money on a game, that now you can’t use.

who is sending out the scripts? i have yet to get one in the mail

impressive that people are doing that… i wish i could farm that much in a week, i dont even have 1k to my name in SOD… wouldnt need it eaither since gear tends to go for around 5g in the GDKP runs… i have a hard time understanding why people think you need to buy gold to buy 5g valued items…i rather just do about 3 quest or so personally

if they say they are and i dont have facts showing otherwise… i rather give the benefit of the doubt… I remember people like you that accused people of something they wernt and they were burned at the stake…the salem witch trials were a dark period that we should take a lesson from about not lobbing out accusations and punishing based upon those… the US also has something called due process as its been realized how important it is

i could not agree more… so much assumptions and judgment of others based on those assumptions… its basically guilty until proven innocent, and the people making the accusations are upset when the people come to the forums showing their innocents

can you please show me who the RMTs are? back it by FACTs and evidence… also please send that evidence over to blizzard as you seem to be able to do what they cannot with their own game… finding who the people that RMT are

last i checked everyone or rather almost everyone spends money on this game… on average the sub is about 15$ a month depending on location so… anyone logged in has outted themselves as a person that spent money on this game

This isn’t a trial, its a video game. There is no punishment for your RMT activities against the TOS. All they did was remove the means by which you were able to spend such gold. Your comparison is ridiculous its laughable. The effort you put into defending this system equals your level of investment into such system. Otherwise you wouldn’t care so much, its just a loot system, there are many more.

Blizzard has confirmed the GDKP system in itself is essentially a tool to specifically encourage gold selling. That is why they banned it. So the proof comes from blizzard not from me.

Again, you are just outing yourselves as RMT players, hiding your real SoD characters, while making weird analogies about the rights and wrongs of this situation. Its transparent to anyone, you are an RMT player mate.

ive actually never ran a gdkp in sod but i have ran and joined gdkps but for people that dont play 24/7 gdkp helps guys out that work to keep up with buying items thats 600g on ah just save and buy no reason to buy gold

Extremely incorrect.

ahh another Flase baseless allegation, you are simply projecting because you RMT… you should probably stop buying illicit gold as it could result in your ban

they forgot to ban BoEs,BiS Greens,Mounts,Profession leveling mats,repair fees, consumes, and the entirety of the AH… in fact… items in the AH go for WAY more gold than in a gdkp run so by your very own logic that is really the biggest recipient of illicit gold

sorry that sound logic is hard to comprehend for you

for you to reduce GDKP= RMT only is intellectual lazyness at best or willfull ignorance at worse
there is a host of reasons people pref GDKP rather than the other systems such as not being able to commit to a schedule raid and still being able to reliably progress your toon from raid to raid as your progression carries over regardless of who you see in your next GDKP run ( gold from previous raid carries over) thus you can get your gear rather than rolling the dice vs new faces every single reset and run the risk of not progressing is just one of many reasons i fight for it

im not doing anything, you are assuming something that isnt true

[quote=“Xelek-crusader-strike, post:96, topic:1779555”]
hile making weird analogies about the rights and wrongs of this situation. Its transparent to anyone, you are an RMT player mate.
[/quote] nothing is weird or outlandish that i have responded with unless you are really that simple minded or that filled with hate and intolerant of others

Its so transparent its funny, and its lovely to see all the RMT crowd outing themselves, which is the reason you don’t post on your SoD characters, as you don’t want to get laughed at for spending money on a game, that now you can’t use.

it has indeed been very amusing to watch the RMT enjoyers and those who have become dependent on their effort/risk free RMT fueled GDKP payouts do increasingly frantic mental gymnastics to justify why their trash p2w loot system should be allowed to keep infecting and stinking up the classic servers :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

hopefully if it works out they extend the ban to cata, might make it actually worth having a look at :thinking: