GDKP ban, good or bad for the community

Good for the community. Wows community for the last few years were just the few remainders of what it once had. Blizzard shouldn’t listen to people who played the last 5 years, they like bad games, they should listen to those who quit. Those people want gdkp gone.

so 1$ for 200 gold is better than 4$ for 50 gold to not cause inflation? sounds legit LOL

Just so we’re clear- you understand why the gold price is collapsing right?

It’s collapsing cuz p2 in a week.

Explain your logic here.

No one is buying expensive bis boe’s a week before they replace them.

it got cheaper yes, but all that’s going to do is mean people buy more for less…GDKP was literally banned to control inflation in the game LOL not to stop people from buying gear…You just took a problem and made it worse…Someone who farms legit might be wary of buying a BiS piece off the AH for 200 gold, you think a swipers going to care?

RMT gold is what is still keeping Thunderbrow ring 60+ gold… (I know this, because I sold one for 66g on Wednesday, severely undercutting the 500g one on the AH.)

Gold doesn’t expire, so cratering the prices right before people want to buy BoEs for leveling and next raid seems pretty unlikely.

so phase 2 no one is going to buy Bis Boe’s? LOL

The 500g one never would have sold. I tried this a week ago when someone posted one for 80g, I got it, posted for 100, didn’t sell till it also got to 66. It’s bis warrior dps ring, not prebis, bis.

well you wanted it and you got it, one of us is right and one is wrong…I think banning GDKP making gold cheaper for RMT is a bad idea you think its a good idea…Lets see

No one’s buying phase 1 prebis in phase 2.

Bis until next week…

Yep, why the prices on everything dropped. Now level 40 tiger mail is the 200g stuff.

the gold buyers love you =)

Except they didn’t?

66g for a ring that’s invalid in a week is still absurd. (And I was heavily undercutting the normal price- which was 127g per auctioneer)

Have you ever been to a SOD GDKP? There hasn’t been bid pumping in SOD for months - everyone is BIS’d out.

66g tho, is kinda chump change if you played sweaty, even non gdkp. There’s no in game gold sink ATM. Have 200 in bags, and prolly spent 400 on consumes and boe’s last few months.

Not as much as they love you…

How are they meant to use that RMT to buy raid gear without your GDKPs to do it in?

(Sorry your “legit gold” source got suppressed a bit…)

sorry you’ll be swiping your credit card for raid consumes in 2 months…