you are getting your 3rd toon to 60 in 5 years time?
That’s just wrong. I’ve made more friends and have had a more enjoyable social experience with gdkp players and the gdkp community.
With non gdkp players I just get called a toxic sweaty elitist for not wanting the group to not take 3+ hours to kill up to Rag before being called for the night.
With gdkps I’m around more players like myself, and have had an astronomically better time playing with them.
It’s almost like it was a whole community.
Do you think alts are a bad thing?
Guilds are small cliques compared to the GDKP discord networks.
Before SoD came out I was in 40+ discords on Whitemane.
Blizzard’s negligence encourages gold buying far more than GDKP ever will.
why have I not managed a raid?
I managed 3 toons in classic and I raid lead in wrath before my server died
when people make baseless assumptions about me I have to assume the worst about them
yea man! its crazy how great GDKP has been for casual players like me who love the game and don’t buy gold! I can quit the game for a year+ and return and all my progress is still valuable! YAY!
Oh whats that? The old content I still need to do is still easily forming groups thanks to GDKP?!? AWESOME! I GUESS ILL CONTINUE TO PLAY THE GAME AT MY OWN PACE ALL THANKS TO GDKP KEEPING IT ALIVE FOR 5+ YEARS!
Do you have logs to provide for this?
I doubt it because anyone who has managed rosters long term understands player motivation.
And speaking against that shows a lack of depth to your understanding.
That’s why I’m calling you out. If you have raid led, it hasn’t been pugs. Playing with the same friends for years on end is really fun, but not the same as a solo raid leader.
I think alts are bad game design
Oh wow you really went high and to the right with that one.
So when a player gets to BiS what should they do?
do you have cc reciepts to prove you havent bought gold? one of blizzards main reasons for banning gdkp is the RMT situation so it seems you don’t really know what you’re talking about
But why would I buy gold when I’m attending something that gives me gold in the end?
Do you buy gold to post auctions?
And my g2g suspension was when I wasn’t in GDKPs. I have receipts from Blizzard and the 3rd party.
I have RMTed, and been in trouble for it, but it’s always been while I’ve been progressing and raid parsing. RMTing for GDKPs is like buying gold to post auctions. It doesn’t make sense.
how many friends?
Do you?
Oh is it now?
Because they didn’t mention RMT this time. Avoided it entirely. Seems like a big motivator if true, and if true then I’d want to see it up front and center as a reason but it’s not there under gdkps in the announcement, just yapping about community.
Interesting that blizzard didn’t call us gold buyers this time.
but why would blizzard say that banning gdkps is for rmt if you arent a goldbuyer since you do gdkp?
I’m just gonna mass report your posts for trolling since you want to defend your baseless assumptions about me and at the same time foolishly push me about my assumptions
1st, they didn’t ban it for RMT. Get your facts straight.
2nd. I only bought gold to pump pinks. Attending GDKPs is so I can make gold, not spend it.
3rd. Banning GDKPs helps the devs selling gold.
More than through any other means in game. I don’t become friends with bads, so basically 0 gained from non gdkp pugs. Only a handful of guildies, but a good room full for gdkp over the years.
I’d say I’ve made more meaningful connections from just gdkps alone than the entire rest of my wow history combined. Easily.
They actually didn’t say that.