GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

No spam here friend just ignoring trolls would you like to go on the list too ?

Is this a trick question?


Get a job m8


Just report the post as spam and itll will get hidden and Delisted like the last 20+ he has posted!!!

Blizzard banning GDKP’s is the only thing blizz did right in SoD!!!

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This literally doesnt matter. The option exists for people to buy gold. They are going to buy gold. They are then going to use that gold to buy the items that other people need but dont or refuse to buy gold.

This is an undeniable fact and is the same system that literally every single mobile game uses.
Sure. You can farm the resources in game at 1/10th or 1/50th the speed of someone who buys the resources, but you will -always- be immensely behind people that buy the resources. It doesnt change it being paid to win until the option to pay for the resources ceases to be.

Which it won’t unless gold is made un-transferrable, and after 20 years, it is safe to say that is one thing blizzard won’t do largely because it wouldnt stop it anyways, as people would just use the Auction House. This would then force -another- barrier on making a ceiling that something can conceivably cost. Once these two things are implemented, people will probably stop playing simply because they cant put something for 400000+ gold or sell, well, ANY boost service.

Sure these two barriers are surefire way to stop botters and gold farmers (while also making GDKP actually worth doing for people who dont buy the gold) but at what cost? You also can’t remove portions of the game from being freely accessible, because then you are removing the ability for paying customers to access all portions of the game they should have access to.

If you’re following along, you now see the problem blizzard runs into. “Find ways to ban the farmers and keep them banned without fundamentally changing how currency works and is earned in the game”

They want the best of both worlds, for gold to be freely transferrable and the market to be uncapped to let the players ultimately decide how much something is worth, and to make it impossible to farm gold with the intention to sell it. As we can see from 20 years worth of data, I fear this is an impossible task. Something has to change with how gold is managed and transferred or the problem will -never- fully stop.

I have listed a few ways to do this.

  1. Was Region lock the servers
  2. Make the servers ANTI VPN
  3. IP Ban them!!!
  4. Real ID linked accounts
    These 4 options would 100% impact the bots with option #4 being the LAST option and only one to really affect the average player.

Correct and gdkp has no impact on that happening.

Don’t participate in gdkp’s problem solved.

More and more restrictions to try to control/force people to play how you want i’ve even seen people here saying they should region lock players so they can’t play on different servers.

That’s just part of the game should you start limiting how many hours a person can play the game because its unfair if they gain an advantage ?

Should you remove the auction house because its a place where people who buy gold can gain unfair advantages ?

Should ban epic mounts and other purchasable items because it incentivizes buying gold ? why would someone spend days or weeks farming 1000 gold when they can probably buy 1000 gold for 15 mins of there work wage ? Answer they wouldn’t so as people get older and have less time to play they are naturally going to lean towards gold buying.

Why spend 2 weeks farming gold for an epic mount and preparing consumes when you can work for 2 weeks and spend 2% of your wage to get all the boring stuff out of the way and enjoy playing the game ? that’s literally how people view this game now.

RMT is still rampant so is botting all the gdkp ban did was hurt legit players wanting to play a certain way.

I see the issue you are against rmt and botting and i am as well however banning gdkp’s isnt the solution to that and that’s exactly why rmt and botting still exist.

If hypothetically you could eliminate 100% of rmt and botting then gdkp would still be the most popular loot system infact it would probably be even more popular because it would mean the time you spend in game actually making gold and playing the game the better off you would be when in a gdkp knowing that there isn’t anyone else who’s just swiped a card for 20k gold.

GDKP’s exist without rmt and botting and would still be the most popular method of raiding because it solves key flaws in the normal raid system which many have discussed and until blizzard can resolve those key flaws that gdkp’s address then gdkp’s will always be the most popular way of raiding and they will continue to lose players because of the blanket ban on them.

Kinda like yours for spamming 80% of this thread with your alts?

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Spoiler: he totally dodged

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https ://

Check when gdkp’s were banned.

Wrong again!!! GDKP runs can actually incentivize gold buying because they create a high demand for large amounts of gold. Players who want to participate in GDKP runs and win valuable items are pressured to buy gold to stay competitive.

They will always be part of the game, But banning GDKP’s have reduced them.

While you and your army of alts may feel inconvenienced by the ban, the long-term health of the game benefits from reducing activities that encourage RMT and gold buying. This helps maintain a sustainable and enjoyable environment for all players.

If that’s the case, then why aren’t they present in retail, especially since retail is the most popular version of the game?

Not sure if you’ve caught on yet lmao but im sure you will.

It’s okay if you can’t handle the truth right now. One day, you’ll put on your big girl pants and be able to have a real conversation without resorting to playground tactics and insults.

Eventually you will learn but hey free bumps are always welcome.

Firstly, I believe Elron should be referred to as ‘she’ since the character played is female; it’s important to use the correct gender pronouns nowadays.

That’s all she does. If you present her with facts enough times, she will sit there and put you on ignore because it’s easier to be an ostrich, stick your head in the sand, and ignore your surroundings. Then she wonders why it feels like she’s at a Diddy party.

I kinda wonder what sort of garbage your typing but i know from the past its all useless so better to keep you on ignore :slight_smile:

More so coincides with SoD turning into retail-

Can insert whatever reason you want fact is they banned gdkp’s and lost a huge amount of players which never recovered to pre gdkp levels.

People can try to talk there way out of it and try to explain and make excuses it is what it is.

They turned the game into FOMO simulator, nothing to do with not catering to your gambling addiction.

Whatever floats your boat game is dying.