GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

Any loot system that allows you an advantage over others through the purchase of gold is a p2w system. You can say whatever roundabout nonsense you want but gdkp is 100% p2w.

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Plenty of loot systems allow players advantages.

GDKP is not pay to win.

Yeah but gdkp is the only loot system where real life money can be used to purchase loot. Which is what p2w is. I didn’t realise p2w was such a difficult concept to grasp lol.

It’s not pay to win no matter how many times you say it.

GDKP is an extremely popular loot system which is in all versions of wow including sod taiwan.

The ban had a huge impact on the playerbase.

It is pay to win, you buy gear with money. How is that not pay to win lol.

You don’t have to buy gold to use gold.

Gold is a currency of world of warcraft that has a unlimited supply within game.

Yeah but you can do nothing to earn the gold in game, and then buy triple the gold anyone else has in a raid and win items, purely because you spent real life money on gold. That is pay to win.

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Then they end up with no gold and everyone else gets a huge payout.

People are always going to buy gold nothing you can do to stop it and they can still buy items if they want too in raid and out of it.

I don’t have an issue with banning gold buyers/sellers and bots because that has no impact on running gdkp’s because they exist with or without rmt.

Banning gdkp is a lazy way to try to deal with rmt and it failed you can see that if you google gold selling websites.

Nothing you say or spam will change that.

It doesn’t matter how many people in the raid benefit from someone buying gold. That doesn’t automatically make it not pay to win lol.

Living rent free.

right?! you can tell right away who has kids and who doesnt lol. Sitting in DME jump runs wasting your 5 lockouts sounds like a terrible time when there is easy access to quality gaming like pvp/dungeons/leveling.

I think it’s time for the wow playerbase to realize raiding should be removed from the end-game perspective of vanilla. Next SoD should do a new kinda of GDKP ban, by making raids have worse loot than leveling/dungeons/pvp ;). That should solve it!

You won’t see any more gdkp bans in the future it was the single biggest failure of sod and what decimated the playerbase.

Sod will be lucky if it has a playerbase by the last phase.

Lol not its not!!! GDKPs are not in retail ( the only thing that is good with retail )

GDKPs are 100% Pay to win!!! How to win in GDKP’s

  1. buy gold
  2. Loot drops bid on item
  3. win loot
  4. pay for loot
  5. get paid
  6. Rinse and repeat steps 1 - 5


This is what it means to be a “GDKP enjoyer”. It’s either this or you’re the person getting a cut of the goldbuyer gold. People like it because they can get this gold without paying real money or risking a ban. Allowing GDKP you may as well go all out and allow the WoW Token in SoD too.

You’ve already failed gdkp’s don’t require you to buy gold.

Try again.

Yea they dont. They are another avenue for RMT gold though, but that one negative doesnt outshine the positives:

  • increased raid participation across lifeline of the game.
  • ZERO shortage of tanks/healers. Who would have thought, paying someone for a thankless role keeps them around more. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • loot drops are not filtered to tanks/dps/healers like in LC systems. meme-specs can bid on items or pvp players can bid on off-spec items too. Under SR you are forced to MS>OS so its harder for DPS classes to earn the tank gear to help off-tank.
  • you can afford raid consumes while you raid, instead of having to sit in dungeon farms. Reel mat bags do offset this, so you can now dungeon grind your gold with a group.
  • more alt rotations. If a tank/healer is out, easier replacement for that raid night (actually DPS no-shows are the main role that causes GDKP raid roster issues lol).
  • they extend phase content well past normal prime consumption. Look at ERA, it has less pop but more attendance because GDKPs allow you a reason to keep raiding after gear is done (most are speed running too). SoD has more pop, but more raid logging.
  • GDKPs have more in world meetings than other other loot system. They pick an inn and base their entire identity on that inn. SR/LC are usually done in raid to reduce raid length (speedrun guilds excluded).
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Agree with everything you’ve said.

There is a reason gdkp’s are the most popular loot method because the pro’s far outweight the cons and it is significantly better than any other loot system.

The fact some people want to control what loot method other players want to use is ridiculous.

Lol they do require you to have a x - amount of gold to be invited and a min to bid on gear and if you dont have that amount you either have to farm,quests,grind or swipe. and most of the people who do GDKPs are lazy and self entitled so they chose the later. PAY to WIN!!!

Try again!!!

GDKP’s are just a way to launder RMT gold!!!

For someone who hates gdkp’s you seem to think you know everything about them when you don’t.

So now your arguements the only people who have gold are people who buy it … right.

Price list form a GDKP in stacks
Tell me again min gold isnt required to bid on loot and win?

Raid #1

359 Tier Tokens: 15k
372 Tier Tokens: 25k
359 Gear: 10k
359 Trinkets/Weapons: 15k
372 Gear: 20k
372 Trinkets/Weapons: 25k
372 BIS Trinkets/Weapons: 50k
Sintestra Gear: 40k

Raid #2

Our item prices are as follows.
Normal:10k/5k os/2k tmog
Normal Tier: 15k
Heroic: 20k
Heroic weps/trinkets: 30k
Increments are 1k