GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

Era doesn’t have the token.

Which also doesn’t change the fact that banning GDKP’s didn’t stop botting or RMT in SoD so it was a failure of an experiment.

Tho it 100% is the only way to really combat the RMT and Botting problem is REGION LOCK servers and make them ANTI VPN!!! That plus keeping GDKP’s banned would take care of 95% of the RMT/bots.

The people who sell gold would have to charge more to make it worth there time which would reduce the amount of people actually buying gold.

Lol pretty sure there hasnt been GDKP’s for what 4 phases now and SoD still exist!!!

GDKP’s are not the reason for that!!!

  1. Force merging servers
  2. Same content for extended periods of time
  3. PvP is broken and not fun

Because running old content sucks!!! But guilds will run old content because people might need gear or they want to help new 60s gear so people will run old content but not as much as they do right now. Getting rid of GDKP’s made it so more people joined guilds its a good thing. take the game back to its original roots!!!

Banning bots is not a bad thing its actually healthy!!! so calling it a failure doesnt make sense it removed BOTS and RMT not real players!!!

Actually there was someone who admited to buying gold to raid and that GDKP’s helped

Well no the only way would be for blizzard to properly staff GM’s and actually police the issue(which would actually help with a lot of other issues as well).

But they far far to cheap to do that.

Fire up a gold selling website friend your living in fantasy land.

where did i say it removed RMT 100% i said removing it helped but blizz needs to REGION LOCK servers and make them Anti VPN that plus keeping GDKP’s banned will reduce bots and RMT by 95%

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I literally didn’t ask and am well aware. If you read the reply without knee jerk responding to that one sentence, you would have seen I deliberately left era out because it doesnt have the token but also isn’t sod/HC.

No one ever said it would completely stop it because its not the only cause. The only people making this bum ahh claim is people like you as a form of a gotcha that again, has never and will never work.

The “experiment” was cutting the botting/rmt down. It did that. Period. You, Elrond, and anyone else trying to make it into something its not because its easier to argue against rather than just facing the truth, is a you problem.

And blizzard hasn’t moved the GDKP ban there which is why you really left it out.

As that demonstrates that the GDKP ban failed and you can’t hide behind the token as an excuse.

I literally didn’t. It’s all in the reply. Read it. I know your attention span is as small as a dogs, but you can do it. I believe in you or I wouldn’t have typed it all out.

But here, since it’s likely you won’t and are now just going to respond to the replies after, I’ll put it here, by itself, for you again. It’s on you now whether you choose to completely ignore it.

5 sentences. I know you can read that far. I shouldnt have to physically type every single game mode out for you to know which one I’m referencing.

No where did you address that had banning GDKP’s actually worked it would have been moved elsewhere.

You tried to deflect by blaming token sales, but as you pointed out there’s plenty of incentive for RMT besides GDKP’s. Which is why it not only failed to stop botting and RMT like blizzard claimed it would but also wouldn’t hurt token sales.

It’s so easy to just read. If you’re going to keep ignoring everything I’m saying, there is no point in talking to you anymore.

Without blizzard telling us themselves, this is the single greatest guess on why they don’t remove it anywhere else yet. They KNOW people use the token primarily to buy things. They KNOW people sell things and have taken what measure they deemed appropriate to limit it (like forcing boosters in retail to be in the same group they are advertising, etc.). They also didn’t implement this ban until SoD’s lifetime. If anything, as I said in the post you didn’t bother to read, they could be waiting on the end of SoD’s lifetime to implement it anywhere else to, presumably, give them enough time to come up with a solution that benefits the most number of people.

Assuming anything else to fit anyone’s viewpoint just doesn’t work. Just have to wait for a response or the end of SoD’s official lifespan, whichever comes first.

Right it’s so easy to read yet you didn’t.

People thinking they need the absolute best at all times to clear content will do that to you. Parse culture sucks

Mythic has been out for one week in retail and my raid team is almost doing that despite us using rank 2s and some using rank 1s.

The game has never needed every single inch of gear/consumables to clear the content, and the really good players would have the funds without buying gold. Everything else just wants to act like they’re as good as the really good players without actually being that good. IE: the sweats.

Theyre like the lower-middle class people that vote for 1% tax cuts and rail any attempt to tax millionaires/billionaires cause “hey they could be one any day now”

100% parse culture is toxic !!! its just a my E-peen-measuring contest!!! Great you did good damage grats want a cookie?

I use logs as a tool to see where and how to fix mistakes i could careless about my parses.

Also BUFF CATA FERAL DPS No reason for the most complex dps rotation to be #20 out 22 on WCL

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Who hurt you ? let me guess you were in a gdkp and you lost your cut cause you were a bad player getting carried and now you are on a vendetta full of hatred towards people who enjoy gdkp’s …

Let me go check your logs almost guaranteed a blue parser or below brb.


Best Perf. Avg

Well that explains a lot carry on.

see here we go proving my point on the toxic enviroment of GDKP and parse culture

If your going to spam a thread and criticize players about how they want to play the game then your also going to get criticized yourself that’s just the way it works friend.

It’s not toxic to point out your performance in a raid.

comparing parses and GDKPs are not the same. you wanna deflect because you are being proven wrong on your statements.

couple facts

  1. my logs have NO WORLD BUFFS so im not going to parse good
  2. I dont care about parses
  3. The kill times effect your parses drastically so if you dont have a SPEED kill your not going to parse well either

This is anther reason why parse culture and GDKP culture are toxic keep proving my points please

Crying about parses in classic when world buffs exist is just weird of Elrond to be honest.
Parses in general, are far more than just “Did I do good damage” even in retail. Rotation is just -one- part.

Right now it’s:
Did we have a faster kill time than everyone else that has done this fight? Were we slower than them? Were we slower than even our other kills? Are we faster than our other kills?
Did I get PI, blessing of summer, Aug buffs, etc?
Did I die or have to move a lot interrupting my rotation?
Did the person that was buffing me die, miss a buff, or buff someone else?
Do I have consumes on at all?
Do I have max consumes?
Was I targeted with a mechanic multiple times?
Did enough people with my role die for a mechanic that targets my role to only target me forcing me to move more?
Did I mess up my rotation?
Did the tank die forcing me to kite the boss until they were ressed, making me completely stop my rotation to survive?
Am I in particular consistently low or high in parse damage?

On classic, all you do is remove the external buffing because it doesnt exist, and add world buffs because they do exist.

By default, if you dont have world buffs, esp as a melee, you might parse purple once in a blue moon but will NEVER parse orange or pink because the people parsing P/O/Pk are using world buffs. even if you dont die you wont parse what they do because of how influential world buffs are in classic.

And if you dont have/lose world buffs, you are, no questions asked, going to parse lower than the ones who have/dont lose world buffs.

To care about parsing in classic the level people do on retail is just weird when so many factors that aren’t your own play matter more than your own play are in place.


100% Parses dont really matter in classic the content is a joke!!! They are a tool not a flex


That’s a subjective opinion just like people who like gdkp’s and people who don’t.

If you don’t like them don’t do them but players who do should be able to.