GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

The only people pushing for it are gold sellers on multiple different accounts because they have a financial stake in having GDKP allowed. Hopefully Blizzard is smart enough to understand that that’s all that’s happening here, and doesn’t fall for it.

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but you joined a server that didn’t have gdkps banned on it until 3 months in?

Logically, the amount of people who would quit over gdkp remaining is going to be lower than those who would quit over it being removed, because the first group of people already joined the server knowing that gdkp is permitted, that hurdle has already been crossed

Anyone who it was a deal breaker for would just not have started originally, the only expected result was a reduced population and that’s exactly what we got

95% of the RMT is from people who play on NA/EU servers but dont live in those regions. Instead they farm gold to sell it to the player base who lives in those regions. If blizz simply makes ALL servers ANTI VPN and region locks the players to force them to play in there own region they live in. This will cut back on RMT even more so. While also keeping GDKPs banned. Then if blizz wants to take it up a notch they should link each account to a REAL ID and then if your found botting/RMT Perma ban that ID and IP address. Sony and microsoft do this for consoles. and since Blizzard is now owned by Activision who is always owned by microsoft i dont know see why this hasn’t been done!!!

Or be good enough to be invited

quite the opposite

Assuming from your opinion you’re either trolling or you’ve just never participated in a GDKP

But then I’d have to put up with people like you

I think what you meant to say was “there is no direct link between buying gold and using gdkp”.
There are plenty of correlations, like I don’t see as many gold farmers since the gdkp ban.

What numbers? where did you get these number from?

lol GDKP is Pay to Win!!! you swipe to buy loot, carry, achievements. never really playing the game to earn them in a true form.

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Good luck explaining basic facts to someone who’s livelihood depends on selling gold.

Everyone knows it’s pay to win. The people arguing to bring it back are gold sellers.

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Good idea, actually Region locked servers would be huge. They tried to do something about people buying gold at the beginning of Phase 2, banned thousands, and Sod’s pop never really recovered. So I doubt we will see a massive ban wave again.

Keeping the farmers out is probably a more effective solution.

Silly comments like this make me laugh not even worth responding to.

If this was even remotely true then let blizzard investigate all the people asking for gdkp’s back and ban anyone who’s bought or sold gold easy.

Won’t happen though because it ain’t true.

The people who think GDKP is pay to win are people who were too lazy to do a few quests at max level and then whine when other people have gold.

Ironically banning GDKP’s didn’t fix this problem for them.

Lol GDKP are 100% pay to win

  1. Buy gold
  2. Wait for gold to come in
  3. use gold you bought to buy gear in a GDKP
  4. Repeat step 1 - 3
    how is this not P2W??

Lol a few quests at max level doesnt give you enough gold to be able to do GDKPs


Right for people who can’t be bothered to do a few quests they are pay to win.

But that is just because some people are lazy not because the amounts you need to bid are actually at all hard to come by.

a few is 3 quests so average is what 20g-30g? 20-30g isnt going to give you enough gold to be able to enter a GDKP!!!

lol calling people who do dailies lazy to be able to raid lazy is beyond me!!! the people who are lazy are the ones who BUY GOLD and run GDKP’s thats laziness.

Except it is, most items in GDKP’s for less than equivalent items on the AH.

So yes a few quests was more than enough to start picking up some items.

Except its not, and they don’t. So far all this thread is, is 800 posts of:
Elrond and his 10 alts posting the same thing not even trying to make it look like multiple different people are saying the same thing let alone different things
People like you just blatantly lying
and people debunking people like you.

I would say the thread would die if people were more like me and just stayed away from it, but we’ve seen even if no one posts in the thread for more than a week, Elrond will just post on his main and 5 alts again to make it look like the thread is alive.

Hopefully now that we are two tiers away from all of vanilla (not including removed content, if any, will be put in after or alongside AQ and Naxx) people will finally realize GDKP isn’t coming back, but I fear even if this seasonal server goes to a hypothetical Phase 8 before getting its own server (if it does) the handful of people that haven’t given up will still act like GDKPs somehow have a hope of coming back.

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I think people do realize GDKP isn’t coming back to SoD.

People also realize that it was a blatant lie to claim that GDKP was responsible for RMT and Botting which is why blizzard hasn’t tried to move the GDKP ban anywhere else including to Era.

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If they don’t bring back gdkp soon there won’t be a sod.

Playerbase is still significantly dropping and nobody will run old content that combined with people raid logging will be the death of it.

BWL might not be as bad as mc though since there’s no hard resistance requirements so might bring some back.

No chance they implement the ban anywhere else because it would decimate the playerbases there as well they already know this from p1 failure.

They don’t or threads like this wouldnt exist nor would they continue to be bumped. They would be closed by now. And yet, we’re still talking.

People, and blizzard, have NEVER stated the claim that GDKP was solely responsible, even in this very thread. We continue to tell you people over and over that it was found to be the highest contributor to RMT and botting and that’s been successfully curbed in SoD judging by their complete silence on reinstating it.

Every single time the conversation ends with me or someone else pointing out that it isn’t coming back, yall resort to “WeLl BoTs StIlL eXiSt HuH wHy??” in a “checkmate liberal” attitude and it never catches and it never works because no one has ever stated it’s the only cause or that botting/RMT is completely gone as a result.

This is just a gross generalized assumption that you, nor anyone else in this thread, can not make because none of us can see the future nor can we see what they are planning.

They might not move it anywhere else but sod regardless of its success or failure purely because they have the wow token everywhere else and removing access to GDKPs absolutely destroys their token value.

They might just enact it on modes that dont have the token.

They might not do anything to any mode but sod in general.

We don’t know until, at minimum, a blue response updates people on the situation of this ban and where it’s going, if anywhere, or if the seasonal ends and its extended to Classic +, or other modes, without a post.

Cause you KNOW if they move it to game modes with the wow token without saying anything everyone and their great grandma’s ghost will be saying something on the forums.

So just wait.

The one thing we do know, is it is not going to come back to SoD as we are two tiers into level 60. That’s almost the entire lifetime of classic or its seasonal servers with the ban firmly in place without a word from blizzard or any particular dev on any platform. They don’t stay silent this long if they had any intention on putting it back.

Even still. SoD isn’t over until, at minimum, Naxx is released. Since they havent released a single thing that is new outside of a phase that had old content, I feel it is extremely unlikely we will get a phase after Naxxramas. I predict, that Karazhan Crypts will be released in the Naxx patch, and if they dont give us Scarlet Monastery/Cathedral in AQ or Naxx, they likely have scrapped the idea despite showing the picture at Blizzcon and aren’t giving it to us until they announce Naxxramas. Hell it might have even been replaced by Gnomeregan despite both being shown together, since they were both level 40 dungeons and both of them would have been level 40 raids if implemented with the same level bracket in mind.

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