GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

And you lied to blizzard and tried to convince them that shadowstrike players wanted the exact opposite of what they actually wanted to suit your own personal needs. You also linked an obviously biased poll to help push your argument. So whether I’m intelligent or not isn’t relevant. What’s relevant is that you are willing to knowingly lie to push a personal agenda, and you’re once again lying to try get gdkp reinstated into the game… I wonder why, I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s because you sell gold.


Obviously completely unrelated to the GDKP ban. It’s all the poor decisions they’ve made since P2 that has killed SoD - the GDKP ban is one of the few decisions they’ve made that has been positive.


Elron uses the drop off at the end of P1 and claims it was all because of the gdkp ban. Shadowstrike going from 14k, then losing a large amount of the playerbase, but then jumping straight back to 11k at the start of P2. Which basically proves that the drop off had absolutely nothing to do with gdkp being banned and more to do with burn out from the phase being so long. The dude will twist anything he can to suit his argument.

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“Obviously …”

The playerbase numbers 1 week after the ban was announced speak for themselves if you can’t understand that well that’s on you unfortunately.

Whatever you think the positive outcome of the gdkp ban was the actual numbers and actions of what is happening in SOD tell a very different story.

So why did they bounce back as soon as P2 dropped? Why did those players all return if gdkp was still banned?

This is the same circular argument we’ve been having for months, but we all know that correlation does not equal causation.


Sure but when there’s statements made about GDKP’s being the direct and main cause of botting and RMT then GDKP’s get banned but botting and RMT is still going strong it’s entirely fair to say the people who made that claim initially were lying.


“Okay yes tons of people on social media have an issue with the ban and have said they stopped playing because of it”
“Okay yes it’s just basic logic that if you reduce the amount of ways people can play the game you’re going to lose players who want to play those ways”
“Okay yes the statistics show a huge drop off after the restriction”
“Okay yes there is objectively less reasons to level alts now”
“But there is no way to know if the ban is the reason the population is so bad :)”

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Lol, if by tons you mean a bunch of vested interests that likely sell gold? And even then, the twitter trolls probably make up 0.01% of the population anyway.

There were so many poor decisions made around the same time blaming the GDKP ban is just serious levels of cope. You disagreed with the ban because you could stop either making IRL money selling gold, or you couldn’t swipe your way to gear, so you look at everything and blame the GDKP ban.

That doesn’t even make sense. Anything wrong with alt levelling has nothing to do with GDKP’s. In phase 1 everyone in guild had multiple alts and were clearing BFD on them all every clear - not via gdkp’s, but just via organising quick runs filled with pugs doing /roll.

The move away from 10 mans singlehandedly caused more damage to SoD than anything they did with GDKP’s.

All of your arguments are just your opinion not backed by any actual causal facts.

I think he agrees that the population declined from gdkp’s and if he can’t figure that out by now he probably never will.

GDKP ban have been healthy what really killed the population is not making the servers anti VPN and region locking the servers!!!

Allowing people to play on NA servers when theyre OCE is why the other region servers had pop decrease!!! and is what lead to blizz foprcing everyone to 2 different servers.

GDKPs have a signifcant impact on RMT but the bots from other parts of the world selling summons/ports botting mats and selling gold for $10 for 1k hasnt been stopped and thats all from allowing NOW FORCING people from other countries to play on NA servers.

If blizz keeps GDKPs banned Region locked servers and made the servers ANTI VPN RMT would take a drastic hit!!!

Here you go being disingenuous or just dumb again. If you add gdkps on top of all that it still greatly incentivizes gold buying. The people that buy gold for boosts, boe’s etc. are the same that buy it for gdkps. Most people who play this game don’t get boosts and don’t need to “buy” gold for any of those other things. Also the amount of gold needed to be a “buyer” in a gdkp is vastly more than any of those other things put together.

Except that now it’s been demonstrably proven that banning GDKP’s didn’t impact botting or gold selling.

The decline in raiding pop wasnt bc of gdkp ban but bc the raids became far less pug friendly after phase 1. In BFD you could find a pug and clear the raid all in under an hour. By the 3rd-4th lockout most didn’t even use discord bc it wasn’t even needed. The raid was extremely accessible for dads and casuals, some of which began raiding for the first time bc of how accessible it was. You also had these same casuals raiding on more than 1 toon bc this.

Gadget was far less pug friendly and ST launched insanely overtuned which scared off the rest of the casuals who enjoyed p1 raiding. MC H1 is easy, but groups take much longer to fill not just bc of raid size, but bc a lot of those casual players who raided in p1 gave up on raiding after seeing pugging become less accessible after p1.

Also, to say there is no correlation between GDKP and RMT is absurd.

Lol it sure did the only way to really stop RMT is by

  1. Region locking the servers
  2. Making the servers ANTI VPN
  3. REAL ID account linking
  4. When an account is banned for RMT there IP is perma banned

H1 is full of bad players, people who dont have the dosses,under geared and just all around bad. H2 is the better pug H3 is good to pug but takes longer.


If GDKP is allowed going forward, I’m uninterested in playing classic. This applies to any classic fresh servers, not just seasonal.

This was the pinnacle and most beloved aspect of season of discovery.

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The only way to stop RMT and botting is actual GM’s enforcing the rules in game, but blizzard is far too cheap to do that.

100% keep GDKPs banned!!!
Toxic raiding environment
GDKPs PROMOTE GOLD BUYING because your required to have a certain “bank” to even be invited.

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You could just join a guild,

You know socialize and not have to worry about it at all.

banning GDKPs enforces that.