GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

Each time I’ve raided in SoD there was no GDKP. Gold isn’t a required incentive. People can raid without it.

I agree people can also raid without gear or epic mounts or the auction house.

Don’t mean they should though running gdkp’s provides incentives for older content when people no longer want to do it or have items to get which helps raids continue.

This is why its one of the most popular methods of raiding in every version of wow.

I think it’s also an example (a testament) of how poorly people view this community. Items and gear aren’t enough for people so they have to be paid to do the content. There’s just so much to unpack from that alone, but here are the three big ones that stand out:

  • The content has poor longevity/replay value
  • The content is, to a degree (relatively), too difficult for good players to put up with dealing with bad players
  • The community focuses more on gratification than enjoying quality content

Now, I’m not saying rewards aren’t necessary, but if you have to spend gold to MAKE someone stay to play aspects of the game, neither the content nor the people are worth being around (except for gold of course).

It depicts the community in an abysmal light and the idea of enjoying a game is just not a common definition for this game.

Add on top of the RMT elements to it and it’s just an outlet for people with credit cards to swipe to win.

That’s my opinion. I’m sure people agree and disagree.

tl;dr: GDKP isn’t coming back. o/


The narrative that GDKP is only for ppl who RMT is so laughable to me.

I GDKP’d as a way to utilize my charcters to legitimately earn gold through raiding as a “carry” player most of the time.

I have never bought gold, and I could easily and frequently purchase gear in GDKP runs, because guess what, attending them earns you lots of gold, gold you can than use to buy gear, this is especially the case if you play more than 1 character, you can raid on 1 “rat” character to earn gold that you funnel to a main to secure high ticket items instead of losing them on a need roll to some guy who is afk the whole run.

If you have multiple ppl with deep pockets in a GDKP run who are bidding against eachother, you just earn tons of gold by being there. This is why I think the folks who claim to not be able to buy gear in GDKP runs are those who don’t actually attend them, if they did, they would be earning gold.

Not to mention, later into a phase, lots of gear will sell for minimum bids due to folks having many pieces already, this is a fact known by anyone who has meaningfully spent time in GDKPs, this means if you have been piling some gold up via playing the game and running some GDKPs you can bring an alts into raids frequently secure many pieces of gear for not much money in a single run instead of leaving it to chance.

I understand the logic that GDKP impacts the incentive to purchase gold, and that more gold buyers leads to more botting, but simply removing things in the game that give value to gold is actually not good for the game at all imo.

Banning GDKP lowers the value of gold, the changes they have made to herbalisim (increased amount of herb nodes + increased amount of herbs per node) have contributed to lowering the value of gold.

These things contribute to reducing reasons to log in and play the game, and are not actually attacking the issue at hand directly.

The logic of “GDKP makes the entire game pay to win” is so dumb, the banning of GDKP has shown there are plenty of people who are willing to go to need>greed runs.

Simply continue to join your need>greed pugs or perhpas consider joining a guild that raids and enjoy raiding in arguably the best setting possible.

GDKP does not need to be banned in order for those who are die hard need>greed enjoyers to still attend raids with this loot system.

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Open question for those who think GDKP should remain banned:

Do you think there should be a loot system that exists (specifically for use in pugs) that is not left to random chance?

yes / no ?

Appreciate you taking the time to actually share your opinion on gdkp’s and provide your own insight.

I won’t argue back and forth with you because we both have different opinions and don’t think either of us are going to change them if that’s not the case feel free to say so and ill provide a more lengthy response.

I certaintly agree with you on some aspects of what you’ve said.

There are pro’s and con’s to everything and i believe the pro’s significantly outweigh the cons especially on a seasonal server.

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I would say I have also been to a couple GDKPs. Very friendly people. But just as many who are detestable. Some who were happy to do the content because some buyers needed loot whereas others wanted to rush to get that GoldPerHour rate going.

Ultimately, it’s not a bad system, but it does attract a lot of bad actors. That’ll be my compromise on the topic. Good luck and take care o7

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I largely agree with this take, but I’d point at that need>greed runs attract a lot of folks who come in with little to no effort, perform far below others in attendance of the raid, and then are given an equal chance at every item.

This is my chief concern with the need>greed loot system.

Why should someone who puts in next to no effort in preparation or performance have the chance to walk away with all of the loot?

Currently in SoD I am lucky enough to just raid on 3+ characters with my guild, but if I am to attend a pug I would prefer a Soft Res run to at least give some semblance of control over the loot, but even then, it sucks losing gear to someone who logs on for 2 hours a week and is literally afk during the raid

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There is also a reason why GDKPs are not in retail!!! The only thing blizz got right for retail!!!

This helps to solidify the toxic behavior and how it impacts the game in a negative manor!!!

The game is a MMO it requires players to work together P2W helping each other thats what the game is based on. Its these youngsters who are entitled and would rather swipe there parents CC to buy gear instead of rolling for it.

Its already in the game theyre called SR runs where people get a set amount of SR’s and people/guilds HR certain items.

GDKPS promote GOLD buying to win that BIS item plus alot of GDKPS require a heft bank to even be invited to go!!!


GDKPs also destroy the economy. Want proof? Look at Whitemane on Era where GDKPs have been allowed to run rampant. The economy is completely f’ed. Flasks are over 1k gold.





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My friends and I all have our mounts at 40. 2 gut rippers on with agi enchants, two shadow blades in the bank, and collectively my friends and I have close to 2k gold.

It made the game more playable. I can throw a stack of rocks on the auction house, have it sell, and have all the gold I need for abilities for the next 10 levels, and able to buy almost anything I could reasonably want in that moment.

You’re putting this on gdkps but you’re ignorant of the fact that whitemane is 5 years old, and the “economy” is infinite growth. Gold literally spawns out of thin air. Every vendor has an infinite amount of gold to provide to every player, only limited by the players items they’re selling to the vendor. Gold is literally printed out of nothing.

Gdkps do not make gold, it circulates already existing gold. The only gold generated from a gdkp is the same gold that the raid itself would naturally generate.

The Whitemane economy is how it is because of its age coupled with the fact that there is no gold dump, and no, respeccing for 50 gold is not a gold dump.

The thing you’re mad at is bots printing gold out of thin air 24/7 for the last 5 years, but you’re aiming it at gdkps because reasons.


Faerlina is just as old and the economy isnt nearly as bad Flasks are not 1k theyre 40-50g each!!!

Um… how bout NO Get outta here ya gold farmin bot! You can’t full us! Sily willy!

there is a higher chance that Blizz will Give Feral Druid dps the much needed Buff in Cata before outting GDKPs back in sod

I will just say again, that there is definitely some merit to the cons of GDKPs but the majority of people who are arguing in favor of their bans legit speak like they are bots.

This post is bizarre to me, just because you don’t like the idea of GDKP you’ve extrapolated that anyone who see’s anything good in them is from a younger generation that wants participation trophies?

You’re literally just detracting from any strong points of any of your prior arguments by making such an emotionally charged and childish type of statement like this (kind of ironic)

Humor me by answering a hypothetical question for me.

Lets pretend it was not possible to RMT in SoD, there was no way to artificially purchase gold. Would you still think GDKP is a bad loot system?

I ask this not as a “gotcha” but because I am interested in being granular in the merit of GDKP as a loot system, and treating RMT as a separate (and correlated) issue.

In a world with no RMT or “swiping” do you really still take as much issue with it as a loot system? Because if you do, I would love to hear why, as I don’t think you’ve outlined any kind of argument that explains why.

With that said its safe to say your chief concern should be RMT, which incase you’re not aware, is still happening in SoD and every other version of the game.

The real thing that folks who are in favor of GDKPs and those who are not disagree on is the actual extent to which GDKPs increase the amount of RMT and in addition how impactful increased RMT actually is for individuals on the server.

I will absolutely agree GDKP promotes RMT, anything in the game that is a gold sink incentives RMT, by your logic, should they reduce the cost of epic mounts or class abilities?

Acting like having GDKPs massively impacts you personally is so silly when you can simply continue to play the game the way you’re playing it currently if GDKP was introduced.


I love when you guys try this argument because it makes it very easy to show how clueless you are.

https :// Screenshot taken right now on whitemane flasks are 190-350g not 1k and not 6k like another guy claimed.

Keeping in mind people have more gold so this isn’t expensive.

Whitemane is a old server that has players from all of classic era phase 6 naxx naturally overtime players are going to accumlate more and more gold the longer the server continues the fact its still very well alive with many players and all types of content is a testament to gdkp’s keeping content alive and players motivated for much longer.

Meanwhile SOD is dying and continues to bleed players at an extremely fast rate.

You also cannot compare sod to whitemane because sod has major economical changes which is why things are cheaper not because of gdkp but because they added in faster resource spawns and more from each node they added potion master/xmute master with x5 procs on potions/xmutes and they added in boxes with dungeon currency that contain all kinds of craft/profession materials.

Just wanted to remind everyone that the GDKP ban has been wildly successful and has worked out well, which is why Blizzard doesn’t need to revisit the policy (if anything they need to expand it).


I think it’s pretty obvious that elron is has his personal interests at heart with everything he does on these forums. Like managing to convince blizzard that the majority of shadowstrike players wanted to stay on the server despite over 90% of us wanting to leave.

I would be extremely surprised if he wasn’t selling gold and that’s why he wants gdkp back.


Yeah that’s why your on the forums complaining about shadowstrike being killed and crying about ping issues because they’ve forced every server to merge due to player base issues. “Wildly Successful in killing the playerbase”

You’ve proven from pretty much every comment you’ve made that you aren’t intelligent enough to form any coherent sentences.