GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

It was a test that’s why and it failed.

I agree that this ban should be reverted.

GDKPS break the BoP loot system, break the economy, and they only exists to encourage degenerates to either buy gold, or “farm” those that do buy gold.

The only negative is less alts will raid, but it’s not worth destroying every other system just so a few anti social players can avoid joining a guild on their alts.


They don’t break anything you just don’t like them.

Bring back GDKP to SOD

I admire the OP’s dedication to creating noise. (Even if he is literally sockpuppeting to talk to himself…with characters with obvious theme names and from the same guild.)

But it’s also spam. These reallllly need to start getting mass reported for the spam they are.


Dopamine addiction is a huge problem in gaming.

Gdkps go along the same vein.

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i do agree, the test needs to end.

Nah, let’er run another phase.


Bro i raided with you arugal classic when you were a NE warrior.

How did you fund the arcanite bars for your TF? I remember you telling the raid.

You said you had to swipe.



lol Notop. I want to say that is a surprise. But a pro-GDKP’er who makes a ton of pro-GDKP posts getting outed for RMT like that is the least surprising thing today.

Cheating is bad, folks. Don’t cheat. You’ll sleep easier at night and walk taller.


Interesting I raided with you on the same server and you had to swipe to pay for all your twinks gear.

Funny that isn’t it

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I never played a NE warrior in classic i played a NE hunter and my alt warrior was a human and also didn’t have thunderfury.

Here’s links to my logs

NE Hunter - https ://
Human warrior - https ://

You are a liar and you will fail in the end.

gdkp’s will get unbanned and if they don’t they will still be around in every other version of wow after sod dies without them.

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That’s why I’m glad the anti gdkp guy who admitted to swiping was perma banned.

They just make baseless claims like the clown above saying i rmt’d a thunderfury but i’ve never had one lol…

It’s undeniable.

Bring back GDKP to season of discovery

Blizzard haven’t revisited the policy, therefore it obviously worked out.

I’d like to thank Blizzard for having the guts to run this GDKP ban test - it’s obviously been wildly successful and worth expanding to all other game modes.


I agree. I would play era and cata if they had the GDKP ban.

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Agreed. Options are nice. I have characters I like to run with my guild and characters I like to run in GDKPs to get money. It’s just a different feel to the raid.

Guild raids are more fun usually, having fun with your friends joking around and all that. But GDKPs are nice when you just want to get in and out of the raid and you know (usually) everyone is going to be trying to do good dps and do mechanics so they are paid well.