GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

enough is enough, breathe some life back into this game and bring it back. P4 is going to die quick without it. You are clearly understaffed, give yourself more time by keeping the game fun for alts and fully geared toons.

  1. Literally I have seen more GDKP posts filled with verifiable alt accounts upvoting and posting on their own post then I have people against GDKP.
  2. I have better parses then you.

Bad player detected - opinions rejected. 10 years of playing wow, you are a grey parser.

You’re color blind or that means you have literal 0s, since my parses are higher then you.

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Good players still want GDKP. You may have good parses but that doesn’t always mean you’re a great WoW player.

bad players want it too. And not all good players want it.

Comparing Mythic parsing to SoD parsing lol

LMAO no one cares about your parse
no gdkp get over it

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That’s true but you’re going to see far worst players not playing in GDKPs.

Citation, please?

Let me clarify my comment above, from a PuG standpoint GDKPs have far better success. There’s plenty of players communicating the difference in performances between a GDKP vs any other pug loot system.

You can go to Warcraft logs and compile the data if you want confirmation.

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Not everyone uses warcraftlogs. Also, considering the most important skill in an MMO is being able to socialize, I’d say people able to find a group without having to pay is evidence of a more skilled player. Just like fraternities / sororities in college are paid “friends”, so too are GDKP. If anything, being a GDKP advocate is evidence of a lack of skill.


Those people are bad players. We shouldn’t really take those peoples suggestions all that serious considering they’re being ignorant to data.

GDKPs have the better players. Blizz saw this and kind of tried to force those players into other raid groups. Instead alot of them left.

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I think you missed the point

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Citation, please? Why are they bad because they don’t use a third party tool? I explained why GDKP players are bad. Why is someone bad if they don’t log?

Being blind to the data available to you doesn’t make you better.

Not logging doesn’t mean you’re bad at the game, though. The game isn’t “what rank is your Lucifron parse”.

No it’s not a 1 for 1.

But if you’re not using logs I would put a large cash bet that you’re not good by most players metrics.

And using Lucifron parse is a dumb take. That literally shows you can’t read past the surface level of the data presented.

Similarly, if you’re using GDKP, you’re a worse player than anybody able to find a group without having to pay them. Again, the game is socializing.

Except GDKPs have the better players in them which I want to play with.

Citation, please.