GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

ah okay, so you thought I was challenging you. I am not. Might help if you took any form of temperance or nuance into your stances instead of viewing everything as black and white absolutes.

We can verifiably know every single LFG add is a bot or RMT related? Would very much like to know how you can be so entirely sure of that.

Given that you were very incredulous of vetting gold sources when that was brought up long ago, I find it hilarious you bring vetting up again. Frankly, I do not care how they vet, if the run is cleared as a pug I am fine. Heck, if I get a majority of the bosses down I am fine.

Never did, never put forth that it was. Actually, you’re incorrectly reading a lot into what I posted and not actually understanding it. Just being aggressive in your posting because somehow you’re this motivated against my, insanely basic, opinion on the matter.

Missed where I said I have very little skin in this game toward GDKP didn’t you?

Agree, inflation is a pain for sure. Though it does seem like the majority GDKP culture in Era is pretty welcoming on the low end, not to say carrying people but at least allowing a reasonable level of entry for things like ZG and AQ20 and lower.

Never disputed this and I do agree that the carrot for these runs is more enticing. I do think however that the bad actors bringing RMT gold into some runs did do a lot of damage to an otherwise fine loot system. People will try to cut corners when they can.

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your posting from a level 46 rogue your not even raiding so your opinion is null and
void!!! is that Common sense enough for you??

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And we are debating gdkps a system not even in sod…

You’re a 12 parsing hunter, get off the forums and go to wowhead for your hunter guide.

Yeah my parses might be low but i raid with no world buffs so that’s expected !!! what’s your excuse for hiding on a level 46?

I’m not hiding, this is my main…

I started on Lone Wolf a few days ago, im actually 52 now.

I was Peepojorts in p1-3 tho but friends started on Lone Wolf so I swapped to play with them.

I’m also 13/13H in cata…you know the raids that aren’t target dummies like SOD.

Look at the people making the arguments.

You, hiding on that toon because your most likely bad, just voicing my opinion I mean no disrespect.

Toughburger we already know he’s trash.

ßurning a 12 parsing hunter

My point being is you’re the people i don’t want to group with, you’re the people I don’t want in my raid.

I dont want your kids screaming in discord, I don’t want to hear your wife, I don’t want to hear your husband, I don’t want to watch you stand in fire and die 4 times ina row, I don’t want to know the raid leaders girlfriend is also my class and spec so she’s getting loot before me while she laid on the floor the entire raid.

This is why when I make an alt I do gdkps, so I don’t need to group with trash cans…no offense obviously.

Again you have zero room to talk as your not raiding!!!

well based on the fact your not 60 you wont be in my raid!!!

This is the toon I am actively playing currently, I will gladly give you a list of all 40ish my toons so you can check my aggressively average parses.
Regardless, you are not the gatekeeper of opinions in a public forum. Also none taken, I don’t tie my emotions to a game forum. Also if only high parsing people could post this forum would be emptier than it already is.

That’s fine. You can vet players in any run you want GDKP or otherwise. If you find that the promise of a payout is the honey that attracts your raid group I am not one to say that is bad.

The above isn’t how I play. The above is you tilting at a group you have demonized in your own head. not me. Removing GDKP shouldn’t remove those players you want to group with as an option. Those people you have vetted and made connections with would likely still want to raid in a competent group gold payout or not. That is admittedly an outside observation.

I don’t feel I fit this but again, none taken etc etc

I mean I raided phase 1,2 and 3.

I just started over with friends on a different server even tho we will all end up on the mega server

I wouldn’t raid with you ever PERIOD.

I would never app to your guild.

It isn’t the payout,not was never about a payout.

It was about better pug runs that can clear all content.

Not just in sod obviously

lol you sound like you need a hug!!!

No thanks.

Well then go take your need for attention and negative attitude somewhere else!!!

No thanks.

I’m still gonna talk, go look up a wowhead guide please, you’re wasting your raid teams time.

Now this is gonna sound like a gotcha, but it is not. Legitimately curious as to why those people would choose not to continue raiding within their group(s) still minus the payout?

Can clear content, parse high, etc. Why not keep going sans gold payout. Which is mainly the difference in type of run over SR and such. I get that these people have guilds more than likely as well and that, at least in your case, you alt pug.

For me gold becomes useless unless you’re doing a gdkp then it’s just a collection of basically a raid currency.

What’s really left to buy with a lot of gold outside of raid?

You going to buy more mana potions?

Like I wouldn’t make an alt in SOD because I don’t want to join LFG chat pugs, I main raid in a guild and like 99% of guilds they have a set raid day and they full clear then they are done for the week, well what do you do if you want to raid on an alt?

That’s where for me gdkps come into play.

I can’t really speak for others but gold is meaningless essentially and becomes a raid only currency to gear up alts.

I probably wasn’t as clear as I intended to be sorry, but the gold wasn’t my focus in the question.

If the desire is to raid with good people, presumably in a pug, why not continue on with those same vetted people sans GDKP loot rules?

Wouldn’t ask you to do that, and I wont apply your answers to others.

The payout and the gear distribution is the glue that keeps it together. The organizer is incentivized to do extra work cause they get extra gold. Extra work being vetting and spreadsheeting.

It’s easier to find people willing to come (assuming there’s a lot of gold out there) because the worst case scenario is leaving without only a payout.

All of that leads to an easier pugging system. Easy to find people AND convince someone else to put in the leg work for a successful raid.

The lack of loot drama is also a piece of it. Whales obviously can complicate that a bit, but mostly without issue.

If you’re pugging it’s inherently with non vetted people.

I am using pugging in terms of a non-guild group. Otherwise anyone calling something a “GDKP pug group” is wrongly doing so, since from what I gather these vetted groups or non-LFG chat GDKPS operate mostly in discord and in a non-guild capacity.

That is my context for how I used the word.

I get that, however I am curious towards those who aren’t inherently there for the gold and are there for the guaranteed clear or who say the gold wasn’t the point for them.