GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

“ The appeal to authority fallacy is a logical fallacy that occurs when a claim is accepted as true simply because an authority figure says it is”

By definition yes, it is an appeal to authority fallacy.

Lawyers provide you the info on why they make decisions

If you are going to make an argument, make one that isn’t to be automatically disregarded under standard debate ruleset

You could fix this by simply showing us the data proving it’s success

Should check out what constitutes a legitimate appeal to authority, would help clarify your confusion. There is a wonderful Grammarly blog post on this fallacy you might enjoy.

Blizzard, nor I are lawyers.

I didn’t. I put forth a pretty valid hypothesis based on evidence, limited as it may be.

I actually do not have to. As nobody here has that information. So it would be great to have you put forth a legitimate source with numbers in the opposite if you wish to start this off that way. I’ll wait for the inaccurate Ironforge pro or unverifiable third part link.

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This would be showing us where the authority proved its success. Usually this follows with some data.

I have hired a few over the years. Good lawyers provide information on their decision making process.

Then you cant make a claim other than appeal fallacy; which can simply be discarded under standard debate ruleset.

I never made a claim for this, so this is classified as burden reversal, which is also a logical fallacy

They have yet to do this, which somewhat further makes your fallacy claim more false. The post I made is based on their “wait and see” statement, not on anything personal or otherwise from me that would call this a success or a failure. Since we as players do not know that.

They do. Again, largely irrelevant and is expecting people outside the profession to adhere to rules inside that profession.

I made a hypothesis, not a claim, and supported it. You think I am arguing, I am not.

Yet you asked a question you should know very well nobody here can answer. That isn’t a very honest debate tactic.

You are more interested in gotcha statements, which isn’t really a great way to hold engagement. I made no declaratives, no arguments, no anti or pro statements. Just inferences.
I am unaffected either way ban or not.

Ill go ahead and put a large:
THIS IS WHAT I THINK PERSONALLY tag on anything else I post I guess from now on.

It actually makes my claim for authority appeal all the more legitimate.

So why are you making a claim for it if you don’t know? I don’t know either. Making claims without evidence is a form of misinformation.

I don’t even like gdkps, because I don’t like playing with randoms. I only like playing with my crew, so I am completely neutral on the matter - however I see the painfully obvious mismanagement of logic on display in regards to this subject.

With a fallacy yes. You cannot prove a hypothesis via conclusion without testing. And all complete tests have results if you remember from science class.

You won’t want to go there with me either, frankly.

The ban doesn’t affect me either, I’m not playing sod after the destruction of battleground health.

That’s better. That’s all you had to say is “disclaimer”

I didn’t, which is what you are missing. You are conflating supposition and hypothesis for a claim or argument.

Not a fallacy, a legitimate appeal to authority.
I did not attempt to prove anything, I made a hypothesis. Until tested it remains as such.

I never wanted to go anywhere and yet here we are. And honestly you really can’t prove anything here either. You have the same ability to make your own hypothesis to the contrary of mine and it would also remain untested.

I don’t really need your permission or approval, however there is a lot of relearning you may want to do instead of throwing broad and unnuanced claims of fallacies around.

Since this is not and was never going to be productive, I wont reply further.

You stated in the last post that you want a disclaimer tag from here on out, this basically ends the need for further conversation, which is what should have been put forth from the get go.

I’m not purposely trying to stir you up, but just saying this is your belief alone is enough

That way we can discuss beliefs as beliefs rather than fact

Okay so ill break my final statement on this one.

I appreciate that you just auto assumed I had any authority to make a definitive claim, when it clearly wasn’t, and didn’t auto default to “oh this is his view point on the situation.” seems a bit odd. Though not all people are the same.

Also coming off a tad high and mighty. Not an attack, as you weren’t rude or attacking me, just an observation in the tone of your writing.

Considering sod is full of bots and rmt im saying it was a failure, this is my own anecdotal evidence tho.

I’m sure your LFG channel isn’t literally gold sellers advertising their websites and gold selling warlock summoners and boosters.

Unless it is?

I think that if anyone’s end game for this ban was the entire eradication of RMT/gold selling, those people are flat living in a dream world. Keep in mind the initial reasoning was that GDKP was pushing out most other PUG raid types.

My view on battling RMT is purely remediation and reduction, not removal. Removal will never happen.
However, and again in my view, the ban was done to cut down on in dungeon transactions so that the illicit ones are easier to zero in on an action.

GDKP having RMT gold or not, those runs did have a ton of gold changing hands. Reduce that and potentially the RMT trades are easier to identify. I would hope the same would apply to summoning services.

It’s also important to note that even if Blizzard hired 1,000 people dedicated to detecting and banning bots or other sources of RMT the botters and such would still be able to outpace their efforts. This isn’t a call for sympathy towards blizzard, it’s to high light the never ending battle botting represents.

Very well said. The “pushing out pug” line is the most poignant. Is anyone actually finding successful pugs frequently? Every Ony I join wipes a few times then disbands. I guess MC Heat 1 pugs have probably been fine until Rag.

It pushes out those pugs because gdkp is the best pug system.

Instead of the trash you get in trade chat you go on gdkp discord where they fully vet their players and the runs are always successful.

The people who were buying gold are still buying gold, heat 3 ain’t free, the fire res stuff is selling for like 500+ gold.

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Blink idk why your on this guy now instead but you arent convincing anyone.

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Options are very rarely bad. There are those who would wish not to GDKP and would like a straight forward PUG raid. Saying it is the best system is subjective.

Those people who don’t want to run a GDKP can make their own group, however if the other option is to receive a pay out for raiding then I think we can both see one of the major draws of GDKP. Which would for sure sway someone presented with two identical raid options otherwise. I know it swayed me a few times.
GDKP isn’t universally a better experience, it just has a more attractive carrot at the end of the stick over say an MS>OS or SR raid.

Back to my statement about options, sadly GDKP as an option was linked with RMT bad actors. I have done a few, maybe half a dozen GDKP in SoD and never caught an RMT ban so I am well aware it is not all GDKP raids.

And I assume you can verifiably say that there is zero vetting in other PUG runs? There are such things are bad and failed GDKP runs.

Again, I am sure you can verify this. I am sure there are still people buying gold, as I proposed prior it is a never ending task to action RMT gold. For all the talk I just had with another poster about fallacies it is interesting to see one come right up. I also stated that I am quite sure the intent of the GDKP ban was not to 100% end RMT but to remediate and reduce.

Generally I have for ONY as well as other raids during earlier phases post GDKP ban, though I can’t speak towards MC as I have yet to have my playtime line up with my ability to PUG the raid.

Lol it works perfectly fine. The real issue is that blizz just needs to make the servers Anti VPN and region lock them!!! also ban Warlock/mage bots. The real issue is RMT. and 98% of the RMT is from people playing on US servers when they should be on oceanic servers!!!

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Idk y’all wanted me to post on sod main, so I am.

It ain’t like I’m hiding I have said who I was multiple times.

Do you see pug discords being advertised in LFG? I don’t.

Do you MS/OS or SR runs being advertised with a discord link in LFG? I don’t.

Do you see tons of stories about how bad LFG chat runs are? I do.

Do you see people saying how bad fully vetted gdkp discord runs are? I don’t, because they full clear.

They even full clear heroic Cata raids, let’s see a LFG chat pug do that regularly, they aren’t.

You don’t need anymore evidence than that.

You want me to verify common sense things because it goes against your narrative.

Yea it’s.more believable that people who had no issues buying gold for gdkps all of a sudden stopped because gdkps were banned, even tho their is still tons of things to buy gold for with how sod is.

I’m sure everyone can afford heat 3 FR at 500g+.

You’re being delusional

Who’s your sod toon? Join a pug let’s see those logs.

Given those are anecdotes and opinions from someone who can only converse in whataboutisms, yes I would need more proof than your personal observations and biased anecdotes.

My narrative is that the ban is internally working. My views on GDKP are aggressively neutral. Nice try though, my “narrative” does not hinge on “I like/dislike thing”.

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You can literally prove this yourself log on.

Take screenshots of the discords being linked in LFG.

Let’s see all those successful runs.

And let me know how they vet their players.

Don’t act like your server is any different than anybody else’s

GDKP is great for sweats cause they play all the time and can get gold for it.

The barrier of entry for GDKP can be rough when the system is mature, lots of people have gold, so you need a decent chunk of gold to even get in. Sweats have less trouble because they organize or are friends with organizers.

GDKP’s are much more successful than normal MS>OS or SR because they have incentive for good/geared players to continue running the raid. They also give sweaty players something to do on their guild off nights, that is worth their time.

The culture of buying gold and then going to a GDKP run and getting geared might be problematic, I don’t personally care all that much. The more annoying part is when those carries come out of a 2 hour raid with TONS of gold and then pretend that’s a reasonable amount of gold to have. We all can remember the million+ gold pots of Sunwell lol.