GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

All my friends playing dogs*** cata because it has gdkp…they refuse to play sod without GDKP and theses are hardcore 2019 classic players that went from vanilla classic all the way to cata and now retail.

Revisit your policy because you as devs are not players, stop trying to act like you know how we like playing the game and giving you our money.

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Unrelated to the thread topic. I also have zero opinions on PVP, I leave that to those who enjoy it more than I.

That is a statement you could make, and it would look to be incorrect as the ban is still in effect. Pretty simple inference from known information.

It’s too late. Half the population disappeared when they banned GDKP and now the games on life support. SoD could of been a really cool concept too.

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I am perfectly willing to accept “facts” with evidence. Your word is not evidence.

You need evidence to believe people are buying gold?

I need evidence that anti-gdkp people specifically are buying gold.

Which is exactly the point I was making.

The pvp change ruined pvp, yet it isnt reverted.

Why can anything else be exempt because of a red herring?

Go look at the gold prices. Takes 5 seconds. Gold not being bought becomes very expensive, yet it is not.

I know of an individual personally making a killing selling gold on sod. You can take or leave that, but you have direct access to proof by looking up the prices.

It is on you if you refuse to do that.

So we went from “gdkp curbs gold buying” to “specifically people who are anti gdkp arent buying gold”

The goalposts have moved from “gdkp players buy gold” to “the people I relate to dont buy gold”

I offered you to take 15 seconds to look at the gold prices for sod servers and see how utterly cheap it is. It’s cheap because of so much buying. it has actually become so cheap in fact, that farming is utterly pointless when you can buy a few thousand gold instantly for like 2 hours of work


What an absurd thing to need evidence on.

So you think no one who is anti gdkp is buying gold?

Ok I need evidence that non anti gdkp people are buying gold.

He knows this is a foolish claim, but wants to propose himself and “his friends” as a holier than thou group - he knows people himself personally who buy gold. He may or may not even have bought gold himself. It’s so common it isn’t just an instant write off - espeically for the prices currently on sod

here I just looked it up

Crusader Strike Horde - 5000g = 50 bucks. 10 per thousand. dirt cheap

You tell me to take it or leave it. OK, I leave it. I’m not going to let you imply that I’m a hypocrite because you say so.

I didn’t say you were. I am pointing out your straw man arguments from earlier.

Why can’t you just admit gold buyers come in all shapes and sizes? Especially in a game where most players are late 20s to mid 40s with jobs careers families etc.

I just looked up the prices, its 10 bucks per 1k gold. Thats the cheapest ive ever seen it in years

The fact that you know how much good has costed over the last 10 years does not instill confidence. You’re going to need a better argument for me to correlate anti-gdkp to gold buying. It’s nonsense both-sides bs

I don’t really need to sit here and pander to your bad faith arguments.

You know exactly what I am saying is true, deep down. “nuh-uh” hand waving and pretending to sway me just makes your entire premises look weak.

I’m sure you organically farmed out the mats for that Lionheart Helm, good legit citizen of azeroth

Have a nice day!

It’s more likely you buy gold.

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Even IF I were doing that, you’re doing that exact thing yourself. Nuh uh anti-gdkpera love to buy gold because I say so blah blah".

Don’t you know, people that don’t like gambling love slot machines, atheists love going to church, and vegetarians LOVE a good steak! Isn’t it fun making random assertions with no logical through-line?

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Maybe accuse the person who knows how much gold sells for for the last 10 years.

“You’re doing that exact thing yourself”

Admission of guilt.

Also, I am not playing sod. But nice try. I quit sod as soon as they destroyed the battleground scene going into phase 2.

And I’m not making these wild straw man claims that you just listed.

But I do assume you didn’t farm that lionheart helm organically

Looking up gold prices is an excellent way to read information about different servers. It’s been a talking point since before classic was a thing.

Nice lionheart helm btw