GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

i didnt ban them… blizz did cause that’s what ppl wanted sorry you can’t understand that. You giving me that credit though is kinda nice

Youre a whole pure buyer in your guild lmao


I am not denying that people but gold or that there are bots, but there is no way in hell that you can correlate anti-gdkp to gold buying. What on earth is this based on? Wouldn’t gold buyers want GDKP so they could have something to spend their bought-gold on? This is a completely nonsensical smear.

yep whatever you say i’ll just keep liking your posts so you have that hope that they lift that gdkp ban so I can come back and laugh.

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Plenty of people buy gold before / after gdkp ban.

People buy gold for consumes / boes / craftables / mounts / gear / paying outside of raid the list goes on and on.

If you think gdkp is what enabled gold buying you are delusional.

Literally takes 2 seconds to go look up gold prices lmao if it was so successful

A) there wouldn’t be gold sellers / wouldn’t be worth selling gold
B) the price of gold would go up as supply gets limited pretty sure its cheap

SOD has mostly older players they now have families / jobs and other commitments why would they spend hrs or days farming gold when they can buy the same amount of gold they could make in a month with 1 hr of there paycheck.

That’s why people buy gold not because of gdkp and not because they wanna sell gold its a terrible way of making money for any player outside of 3rd world countries.


They arent going to lift it and that doesnt bother me rofl.

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The majority of raiders in a GDKP never spend any gold, thus they don’t need to buy any (they’re leeches).

With GDKPs removed and people still needing gold for consumables, enchantments, BoE required gear aka resist sets, the RMT market has a wider audience of potential players.

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except you could make more than 2k a week just doing dungeon runs/daily and selling cores from a single char not counting drops/gold from the dungeons… at most someone is spending 200g a week on consumables for a char

Being able to start a thread this long is too much power for one man to have.

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Time is money.

Seems like its working as they wanted, hence why the policy hasn’t been revisited.


Why haven’t they extended it to all the other versions of the game then? Why only keep it on the version that’s seasonal even in name?

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I am not Blizzard, not my question to answer.

I never correlated anti gdkp to gold buying - I simply said there are anti gdkp players who buy gold. I know of someone on sod who is selling gold right now to these players. They are buying gold

Gold buyers spend gold on everything dude, not just 1 thing.

Raid consumes, gear, boosts, respecs, mounts, anything. You don’t need just gdkps to spend gold on.

Only to you because you want to deny the fact that there are anti GDKP players buying gold. That doesn’t mean I claim gdkp players do the same.

I am simply trying to get you to accept that it goes both ways.

In the same sense, there are anti gdkp players who do not buy gold, just as there are gdkp players who don’t. To classify all of a group to 1 camp is a logical fallacy. Sure we can ban the gdkp to “help curb it” but there’s no proof it’s done that. The auction house is in fact still available afterall

Premades were banned yet there are no wsg/ab right after the ban (games open dropped in apocalyptic fashion) They haven’t reverted that either. Was the premade ban worth it?

Right in the feels

Is this what you wanted Blizz? Help the working class and this community!


Seems like it’s not working quite as well as they wanted then.

Blizzard releases almost zero official data so, yeah, I don’t think this is a stretch.

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All these people quitting because of gdkp ban.

Without a doubt had a significant impact on the player population which is undeniable.

Gold still being sold and bots still farming gold.

Acheived nothing damaged sod severly isn’t put in place anywhere else in the 300 diff versions of wow and isn’t even banned on sod taiwan.

Damaged the population so bad that most servers are now empty and there solution is to merge everything left over into 2 mega servers and slowly strangle the servers that refuse to leave to death until they either have to quit or it becomes unplayable to stay there. (Completely out of touch with reality)

anti gdkp people - yes it worked great …

Blizzard still refuse to admit the mistake and would rather double down and see sod at 10% of what it could really be.

Very sad indeed.

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I hear they have them in cata classic - cheers