GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

the only people i see benefit from this are gold sellers and gold buyers with RMT, to my point all of the pro people are posting on random alts


Any reliable data on how this change affected the population of SoD servers?

It may be tougher to plot that data since Phase 1 was still very Classic-leaning (in addition to being a new mode + fresh start). Phase 2 and beyond were a much different experience.

Axing GDKP likely had a negligible impact, otherwise there would have been a course-correct much sooner. Drifting farther away from Classic and Realm Consolidations likely had a much larger impact.

Gdkps arent in the game.

Go post 5 minutes of your LFG channel.

I bet its all gold selling warlock summoners.

Wonder who could be buying gold with gdkps banned?

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Gold buyers/sellers will exist no matter what you think is the cause of it. Will GDKPs encourage more people to maybe buy gold, sure? But that effect is going to be caused by literally anything else. If blizzard adds more BOEs, it’ll make more people wanna buy gold. If there’s some new resistance requirement for later phases it’ll make people wanna buy gold. I want every single BOT and gold buyer banned because I know how damaging it can be to a servers economy. But claiming that GDKPs are the sole/main causation of people wanting to RMT is simply denying the facts. As it stands, SOD has no GDKPs and gold buying/selling is still rampant, banning GDKPs solved nothing. I’m down to wait to see how things will be after server merges and how alive things will be but, it is a real worry that without GDKPs, there might be a point where people can’t get any meaningful late game progression because most of the community is running later tiers of raids while they can’t even form any groups for their dungeons let along find anyone to do molten core with them. If this does become a reality and it really might, GDKPs will need to be brought back because that is simply the only way to get those raid popping again.

gdkp’s yes that is exactly what i want i am glad you were able to grasp the original post so well.

Its hard to tell tbh, The GDPK change has more support then it does hate, it’s just people who were into selling the gold they made are very vocal about trying to bring it back.

There definitely is a pay to win crowd bleeding over from retail who want to buy power like in retail, those people should be ignored IMO.

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No such thing as pay to win in wow.

Your opinions are so far wrong it isn’t even funny.

Ban all people who buy gold, Ban the Bots. And Keep GDKP’s banned.

Problem solved. That pay to win crap doesn’t belong in an MMO. And the shift to it is what’s killed the Genre.


If you think gdkps are pay 2 win then every MMO is pay 2 win.

Your definition is so watered down it’s all mmos

Buy gold, Buy boost, get gear.

Thats Paying. To. Win. Classic player’s want nothing to do with that garbage.


That’s not paying to win.

You are not buying power that can’t be gotten normally and at a normal rate.

You could buy 1,000,000 gold and never see your item drops, pay 2 win is off shops.

Forming the raid, killing the same raid bosses and the RNG of drops, that’s literally just a raid lmfao

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You absolutely are buying power. That’s the entire endgame loop for most people in retail.

Step 1. Buy Token
Step 2. Buy boost
Step 3. Get IO/Gear.
Step 4. Repeat every 4 months when the gear resets.

That’s what people don’t want in Classic. It destroys the PUG scene, and turns the entire game into a pay2win snoozefest.


That gear is accessible to EVERYONE.

Paying to win implies you HAVE to spend real money for power that can’t be gotten in game.

Incorrect. Paying to win implies you are buying an advantage, or power. With real money. See every gatcha phone game in the last 10 years.


You have NO ADVANTAGE over the people who are getting the item for FREE.

Your items are the SAME AS THE FREE VERSION.

You’re wrong.

Perfect example is world of tanks.

Their premium shop sold gold ammo, gold ammo did more damage and had more penetration than the ammo from playing the game.

That’s exactly what paying 2 win is, you’re buying gold ammo, an advantage that you CANT get by playing the game normally and that advantage allows you to WIN over other players

This is NOT how wow works

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games that are properly p2w don’t let the people who don’t pay have a shot against the people who do, certainly if i went to molten core and you also went to molten core, but you bought your gear and i didn’t, i would have a fair shot at beating you regardless

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The WoW token is pay to win.

GDKP when gold is bought is pay to win.

Your not going to convince anyone with 2 brain cells that it isn’t. It’s like every other garbage free to play game that sells power to reduce the grind and give an advantage over other players.


Can’t I pay a raid leader directly in any loot council to give me loot prio?

So you buy 100 wow tokens for an item and it never drops, then what?

Did you #win?

But then you go to town and see others who all got it for free.

Man you really showed them.