GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

Hey :expressionless: guys, :expressionless: am :expressionless: I :expressionless: doing :expressionless: this :expressionless: right? :expressionless:


GDKPs were abused by people with too much ambition, by the greedy ones. Now that’s banned the game is more healthy and we got ride of these bad actors. Don’t get me wrong, I love GDKPs but only when it’s not abused and not known by the mass like GDKPs back in original WotLK or back in 2019-2020 before it was abused by bad actors.

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Instead of taking away the main reason to play an alt, lets instead enforce the TOS and ban bots and swipers instead of removing a loot distribution method.


I agree as well the issue is not gdkps its the gold buyers and lack of blizzard detection on bots and rmt.

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What they detected was that far and away, GDKP runs had the most concentrated amount of botted gold.

It’s hard to blame the players tho…the path of least resistance is human nature.
and once you started hauling in big pots of free gold, it’s all over.

GDKP wouldn’t even be a thing if it wasn’t for RMT gold, pots would be laughable and hardly worth the time.
No constant influx of “pure buyers”.
Never would have taken off.


I love having GDKP banned. Chat is clear of the constant GKDP spams and instead has pugs as they were in the OG. No pressure to farm (or buy) tons of gold so I can bid on items. It’s an elitist system that kills the spirit of the game and it becomes THE standard as it showed on crusader strike very quickly.


That is the biggest pro for me trade chat isn’t just advertisements and people constantly buying and selling in bulk mostly it’s people being silly or asking questions


I am certain a policy change is coming so be ready.

Banning GDKPS did NOT SLOW down buying gold.

That is obvious to any long time wow player.

And if they are not actively fighting against websites and market places that sell gold why ban GDKPS in the first place?

They have spent ZERO resources trying to stop it so… People are still buying tons of gold

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For sure i can see gdkp’s becoming popular again.


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It’s been a success??

How brother? SOD is a dead game atm.

Log into Era- Raids are popping off everyday from MC to Naxx.

Without GDKP this didn’t exist.

The losers:

Guilds with masterlooters keeping everything for themselves and their friends,

People dropping out of SR’s because their item didn’t drop.

Dear Blizzys:
Open up a few servers to help and allow character transfer.



I agree with the above classic era is thriving sod is a graveyard currently.

SoD is dead, but it has zero to do with the GDKP ban. Blizzard abandoned the game mode, left certain classes as PVP gods ie shaman, ST was a terrible raid where melee did twice the damage of casters which they didn’t fix, and had terrible loot. Incursions were the worst thing to ever come to a classic server. They killed off most guilds by removing 10man raids.

All of that is what killed off SoD. The GDKP ban was one of the few good decisions they have made in this entire mode.

The swipers keep trying to conflate the GDKP ban with the population drop, but it has less than nothing to do with it.


Can gdkps exist without rmt?

They could - but they’d be much less popular because the pots and splits would be far, far lower. It’s the dirty gold and the whales that buy it that props them up.


Zero??? Definitely not 100% - But way more than zero.

I would play dungeons weekly on SOD if there was a gdkp option.

Just admit you hate GDKP and move on. Fake facts is for politicians.

Ps- Other reasons people don’t play :slight_smile:
Gatekeeping, people dropping raids, lockouts, bad guild setups, having to use discord to play the game, and stale content(incursions/bloodmoon)

Yeah gdkp’s are awesome they should review there policy.

So if they can exist without rmt why do the antis call everyone on here a gold seller?

People are buying gold, I bet most of you guys are buying gold.

The pots would be fine, this is some actual propaganda if you think people wouldn’t do gdkps because the pot is smaller, it would still be far better than the other loot systems for a pug.


I haven’t heard of GDKP’s being used for dungeons.

I thought it was pretty obvious what my opinions on GDKP’s are?

Everyone obviously isn’t a gold seller. Or buyer. But the GDKP’s are primarily propped up by dirty gold buying big ticket items, causing large pots and splits. It’s not conjecture, it’s fact. Blizzard have stated how much easier it was for them to trace illicit gold once GDKP’s were banned because GDKP’s were the primary source of laundering it.

Pot size is all that people talk about. Sure, some people would do GDKP’s regardless of pot size, but they wouldn’t be nearly as popular as they were without the whales.

It’s just simple truths that anyone who has had anything to do with GDKP’s knows but don’t like to acknowledge when arguing about bringing them back. Pretending otherwise doesn’t help.