GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

If you mean servers merging into 1 because of how bad the population is sure.

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Citation for situation please.

Server merge kekw.

So its “trust me bro” from the local bronze winning special olympian.

Seems legit.

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I agree gdkp’s are great and they should revisit the policy.

I agree also.

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Yeah i can see them revisiting this soon.

Waiting on Toughburger to bump but he failed me so ill have to do it myself.

Will see MC raid is dying if the BWL released. Bring back gdkp so more people will still do MC raid.

Hopefully they understand the mistake they’ve made and correct it.

They won’t in SoD.

But it’s pretty telling they haven’t tried to push the GDKp and punishing new account changes out to other version of WoW, including classic.

If they brought out the gdkp change to other versions of wow it would be an absolute PR disaster and destroy there numbers.

They should just admit it didn’t workout how they intended and revert it and look at other ways to combat gold buying/selling etc.

I was against GDKPS for a very long time. I thought to myself, of course GDKPS would encourage gold buying if it allowed people to get BIS pieces with just gold. But then it hit me, SOD has a billion BOE that are all very expensive and very much wanted by practically every single class in the game. You can ALREADY buy a lot of insane pieces with gold and they’ll only add more to the list. So as it stands, to me, if buying gear with gold encourages RMT and gold buying, SOD already gives you a big incentive to, so what the actual point of banning GDKPs…
It’s starting to seem to me like having GDKPs so people keep doing content forever might actually not be a terrible idea. Like really, my priest is almost full bis, why would I ever go back to molten core let’s say in phase 6 when AQ40/20 drops, the simple answer is I won’t. The old content will only be done by “newer” players as they’re trying to catch up to everyone who’s already getting their 2.5 tier which might be a very low percentage of people for all we know.
Keeping the content relevant for the entire life span of a game by introducing GDKPs will allow every raid to always be done by people at all time. Let the new players get some gear easy and let the older players get some gold easy by spending their lockout.
Sure the economy will shift a bit but I don’t think it’ll be something that insane. if anything the biggest economy shift is coming soon with the mega servers.
Overall, no I’m not some GDKP warrior that wants to RMT or any of that other bs that I might get accused of but It’s simply the conclusion I came to after really thinking about it. I’m willing to have my mind changed if someone can point out some other clearly bad damaging things to GDKPs that’ll actually be very harmful to the point where they would takeover the positives.

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They wont bring them back even though id love to see them do it… i don’t play alts anymore i stick to one toon because the pop is so low pugging is impossible. I’m on the highest pop server in sod (wild growth) and would love to try out some other classes. Can’t dedicate to multiple guilds and pop up GDKP’S always solved the issue. I ran 4 toons when gdkp was " legal " and actually enjoyed playing the game as people tried so hard to get the top dps cut making raids a blast. Some of the highest parsing i ever did was in GDKP. Sucks blizzard wont revert it but oh well. One toon it is :sob: Hope you have a great day Elron! :people_hugging:


I firmly believe if people continue to advocate for gdkp’s to be returned they can come back.

Blizzard already know that the intention they had by banning them isn’t what actually happened after the ban.

They are probably hesitant to revert it because it concedes that gdkp’s do not mean people have to RMT to participate.

I am in the same boat with the both of you i don’t play my alts anywhere near as much as i would like too finding raids is a struggle especially on oceanic server even though i have 1 of every class and some double even triple at 60 they are all going to waste.

If you check classic era all the old content is still routinely done because there’s an incentive for players to continue doing it like you’ve said why would you ever go to a raid where you stand to gain absolutely nothing except gold loss for consumes and repair bills.

Simply does not make sense there is a reason why gdkp’s take over its because they are an extremely good way of running content in wow if they were bad then they wouldn’t be popular its that simple nobody is going to keep running a loot method if its bad.


Gold buyers in shambles. Is it really that hard to just join a guild ?


level 14 troll poster in shambles gdkp’s coming back.

I’m also in a guild try doing the same.

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The guild I am in is better than yours kek, keep crying about GDKP though. I’m sure blizz will change their mind once they see your tears


Keep hiding on alts friend you’re pathetic.

Cheers for the bump.

Wow still crying lmao