GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

So I assume you don’t use the AH and never take gold from strangers?

Sod is literally just lock gold sellers selling summons and hunters selling dm tribute buffs.

That doesn’t answer the question of what Elron will do when Blizzard doesn’t revert this.

Sorry I thought you’d figure it out

Quit with the other 230,000 people.

If you are going to be quitting over no GDKP, go ahead and quit now, lmao.


I wouldn’t quit over no gdkps, I just wouldn’t play an alt since most gdkps are for alts, imagine wanting to pug with the trash players like most of these forums posters.

Sod is just trash so everyone either quit or is quiting soon.

I imagine population starts to decline next week

That’s a problem easily fixed with a guild.

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Sorry I shouldn’t of expected you to read my entire reply it was like 2 sentences after all.

Gdkps are majority done by ALTS meaning most people main raid in a guild and then raid on an alt out of the guild, hence gdkps.

No gdkps less alts

Raid in a guild alt run.

Once again an easy solution that doesn’t involve GDKP.

Maybe try using your brain once in a while instead of living on the forums begging Daddy Blizzard for something that isn’t coming back.

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I have never begged blizzard for gdkps to come back…

You’re not too bright are you if your guild doesn’t run an alt run then what?

You don’t see all those runs being advertised in looking for group those are non-guild runs you idiot.

Find a better guild or don’t bother.

You really are a dent head lmfao.

So all the pugs in LFG are just people in bad guilds.

You’re definitely the stupidest person I have talked to all day.

Absolutely. I bet they wipe on H1 Baron Geddon when it’s the easiest content imaginable. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Hence discord gdkps

You’re starting to get it.

Since you’re defending them, you’re admitting to being bad at ez content and wanting to be carried. Yikes.

Maybe those ppl mocking your parses were right.

Yes I can do 13/13 heroic Cata raids but MC was too hard lmfao.

I just said gdkps were for alts.

Also all my 99s in heroic wotlk content but sure, molten core heat 3 was too tough.

You’re truly an idiot.

You don’t even have any cutting edges, you’re biggest wow accomplishment is molten core

Baning GDKP is an absolutely failed decision.


Stack more Fire Resist and learn mechanics and you’ll succeed. Or don’t and cry for GDKPs to come back because you want to be carried for ez content. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Again I can do every heroic raid in wotlk and every raid on heroic in cata and you think molten core is too hard for me?


You’re literally a grey parsing retail sock puppet who has never cleared a mythic raid.

Also so stupid that you think setting your toons profile to private somehow hides your armory, I can see your achievements, well the lack of them anyway, you’re a trash tier nobody.

Go do LFR

There are ez guides if you are struggling with H1. It’s a pretty easy raid.

Great at playing a Warrior in P4, I know.

LFR is not in SoD, why would I do that?