GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

The experiment worked. We can close the thread now.


Experiment did not work and the playerbase is suffering because of it.

How so?

The people who play sod and bought gold are still buying gold.

What changed?

No more gdkp spam in LFG channel?

They do. Its literally every other mode of the game. Go play that.

My quote is to you saying they just ban every 4 months. They dont. You literally said that by saying “they could hire gms and ban more often than every 4 months.”

I could infer the just in your comment despite you not explicitly saying it. What has you incapable of comprehending mine other than so you can keep arguing in circles loudly being incorrect?

If you need me to add a just in bold letters for you to hit the comprehension check i can, but surely youre a grown adult who can comprehend the primary language you speak on these forums all on your own, right?

So you’re claiming there is zero RMT in SoD?

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No, and you know he isnt.
RMT is down, thats the whole point of the experiment. Gdkp-enjoyers intentionally not understanding that and going to the extreme doesnt retroactively change the past original post.

Well you got 2 kind of gdpk players. One that buys gold and one who sells gold. You are either one of those.

Has that RMT going down(purely humoring you since nothing shows it has) actually improved anything about your gameplay?

What’s a gdpk player??

Not every other mode. People play this mode.

Why not have a no GDKP server for every other mode, so people who dislike GDKP can play on every other mode? I have no problem with that.

Complete quit wow, now that gdkps arent coming back, it’s nice to play different games which studios I actually like. Buck Flizzard.

I have seen maybe 3 mentions of GDKP in LFG for the last 2 months, so I dunno what you are all on about, also Wild Growth is now back to 5 Layers most days, but sure GDKP bans ruined sod?

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You live here. You didnt quit

You think the whining right now is bad? Just wait for the same 5 people to triple their output if that happens. They dont want options.

They either want everyone to have to pay to play, or nothing. clearly because one mode not having is causing this much of a pity party.

Keep telling yourself that.

Its such a breath of fresh air after 20years of Blizz just running the game into the ground, its a nice experience to be a fan of a company that does good work, like from software, riot or warhorse.

I did really like WoW, but the way things have been going since classic re-launch, its an easy indicator that none from the original team works on the game anymore.

SoD is a ptr server for classic with retail elements, its a failure, because of no pvp tuning, no gdkps, no lvling instead boredcursions, no economy- killed by incursions. And mainly no integrity, because blizzard is refusing to perma ban cheaters, because they profit of them.

You really can’t help yourself can you?

Shouldn’t you be busy playing those other games for which you were so grateful to have the time?


Playing them right now and if I ever feel like wow I’ll play :turtle: wow.

It doesn’t even think before responding.

Man you try so hard to get reactions from people with your passive aggressive responses. But you cant ruin my day. I got a good sleep and playing video games while laying in bed, you just can’t beat that, you dont have to white knight for a company thats not worth it, the original blizzard is long gone, now you have quarterly earning and new store pet dev team.