GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

They’re trying to manage their RMT problem, and part of that strategy is the GDKP ban. There’s plenty of more they could/should do - but at least they done this to start with.


They ain’t managing anything phase 4 has been a massive failure plagued with bugs and all sorts of problems.

They also managed to screw up classic era and hardcore servers in the proces.

If they don’t revert this gdkp ban and make drastic changes/fixes to the game within the next week i guarantee you that this game will be dead within a month.

Like I said, too many people blinded by GDKP hate that they somehow completely miss the whole point of the post, especially with one dimensional views such as this.

Again, is there any other MMO out there that polices loot distribution?

Problem is that those who runs GDKP sells gold and also scam you when comes to gear. Forcing you to bid more or you get kicked.

Ask your sefl why do you need gold on a sesonal server unless you are a gold seller and earn real life money on it.

Ya all of us gdkp players are actually gold sellers making $4/hour.

What an idiotic take.

It’s the only take they can have i hate gdkp becasue xx person is a gold seller or buyer even with no proof and mostly completely untrue.

I had a guy in 1 of my threads saying i was a gold buyer from classic and bought thunderfury on my warrior.

I linked him my main which was a hunter and my alt warrior neither had thunderfury.

“Oh it was another guy but you still bought gold…”

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Nah i said you screeched on discord about honour brackets. And screeching on forums 5 years later

Blizz has come out and said gdkps attract rmt / bots. Seems like less bots atm i call that a win

You literally accused me of RMT and said i had a thunderfury and then were proven wrong you are a clown.

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Yes, all games operate within the confines the makers set for them.
These rules are subject to change.

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Cool post, name one that bans players for how they choose to distribute loot.

Name a game that bans players for using the ingame currency they designed.


Only reason im responding to you instead of ignoring you is this absolute smooth brained take.

They dont ban people every 4 months. They tell you every 4 months. You as in the public, but really is mostly for the incredibly whiny people that cant see past themselves.

There is a big difference. Gdkp enjoyers really do not understand how easy it is to just make another account.

That isn’t true at all.

Blizzard does ban waves, this isnt an opinion.

That doesn’t mean they only ban people in those waves.

Love how you segregate the people for and against gdkp tho, as if we aren’t after the same result ultimately.

That is quite literally what i said.

You want to force everyone to pay you to play with you if they arent near bis. So much so that lfg is literally completely taken over (until the mode largely stagnates and the majority of you go to the next mew thing)and things are vastly inflated.

We dont. We arent the same.

That’s not what you said.

This is why i mostly ignore you. This is literally what i said, which was to your claim of wanting them to ban more than just every 4 months.

Thats not what they do. Stop being intentionally ignorant just to argue with people. Or are you truely not able to read i wonder?

But they do have ban waves every 3-4 months, you are saying they don’t.

I never said they still don’t ban players on a daily basis but they 100% have ban waves that go out every 3-4 months…

You’re literally saying in your quote they DONT ban every 4 months, hello?

The ban wave is literally when blizzard flips the switch and massive amounts of accounts are banned or suspended, hell it’s usually said on the forums that a new “ban wave” just went out, I’m not talking about when blizzard gives us their “we banned x amount of people this month”.

Why not just have a GDKP server and no GDKP server. Problem solved…

“What if we had bot servers and non bot servers!”

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There is no correlation between buying gold and using gdkp.

Something only Blizzard knows for certain, and their past comments have indicated there is. All you have is at best selective memory and at worst complete lying with this comment.

GDKP groups have no real means of filtering swipers from non-swipers. You would be lying if you said otherwise.

I’ve ran with GDKP groups on Era, seen extremely suspicious bids, and even a number blatantly flaunt having swiped on VC. Never an effort was made to actually keep out swipers, partly because they add hugely to pots and also due to the impossibility of it.

Now, I know this won’t stop you from spamming the subject, bumping months old threads, etc. but it only shows your desperation. The fact a comment against GDKP several down from your OP has way more likes is also a bad look.