GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

The entire community isn’t doing RMT, but the entire community is benefiting from RMT. GDKP’s are a massive driver of RMT, botting and illicit gold.

Blizzard have already stated that banning GDKP has made it much easier for them to trace RMT gold as it can no longer be laundered through GDKP runs.

RMT is in every aspect of the game, and I wouldn’t be so sure how much of a driver GDKPs really are when the majority of GDKPers don’t need to buy gold because they already earn the gold within GDKPs. Sure, some will RMT, but those RMTers will RMT without GDKPs anyway.

Laundering? Not a thing, unless GDKPs magically erase all gold transaction data prior to the GDKPs. If by laundering you mean GDKPs create more data to sort through, then if they can’t filter all the data from GDKPs or players with a saved raid ID, that’s on them for not really trying anyway.

If they’re banning RMT bots, then that means they have a source to track where that gold, why not ban all the people that the gold gets sent to? It doesn’t make sense to trace it backwards from GDKPs when they can trace it forward from the source.

Sure - and by banning GDKP’s they’re reducing RMT. It’s an easy thing to target, and it’s something that primarily benefits from RMT and drives it.

Lol. The majority of GDKPers want a few gold-buying whales in their raid so that they can benefit. They aren’t directly buying gold, they’re just benefitting from gold buying.

Sure is.

It makes perfect sense. As a major beneficiary of RMT gold, getting rid of GDKP’s drops demand for it.

Nobody thinks that banning GDKP’s will get rid of RMT, but it does have an effect. It’s like banning high powered automatic rifles - doesn’t stop murder, but certainly helps.

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GDKPs incentivize RMT, but incentivizing something isn’t a crime, especially one resulting in an outright ban. You keep saying GDKPs are a massive driver of RMT, but how massive? Even Blizzard doesn’t have the data to claim it as a “majority”, so how much RMT is it really reducing?

Majority of GDKPers are just regular players who enjoy GDKP. Why is it that just because a system involves gold, you assume that it’s all people want? Personally, I don’t care for anyone or whales that hold the raid back. Gold can only do so much anyway, it’s easy to run out of things to spend gold on.

No point in making an empty claim that you don’t understand and can’t explain. “Laundering” simply doesn’t make sense in a game where they have all the data.

It’s a ban because Blizzard have told you it’s a ban if you do it. Pretty simple.

You mean like “laundering, not a thing” after Blizz explicitly stated it was helping?

Yeah - they enjoy all the gold they get from swipers. Not arguing that they don’t enjoy all that illicit gold.

I don’t assume, I know it’s all most of them want. It’s all they talk about during the raid “how big will the pot be” “hope the split is good” “hope that guy bought enough gold to bid up xxx item”.

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If you’re this desperate to swipe credit card for purple pixels, Era/Cata/Retail are right there. Go play one of them.

It wasn’t meant to “stop rmt”, it was meant to remove the largest incentive for rmt


He means for consumes

If “Blizzard said this, Blizzard said that” is all that’s needed, they wouldn’t have asked for feedback on this experimental test. No point in any discussion if you blindly follow their words, especially when you’re quite selective of which words you follow.

It was just more trades to go thru for their automated flag process.

Thinking you can launder a digital currency is the hottest take i have seen.

I swear the people that defend blizzard have stockholm syndrome.

lol Drinknblink, what if that were turned around?

What if the pro-GDKP shills were the fools living in a fantasy land of their own construction?

What if…

looks at term again

What if it were the pro-GDKP shills who were suffering from ‘stockholm syndrome’, or whatever?

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Id call them out.

There has to be common sense on both sides.

Very good answer, my man.

Still no GDKP in SoD I take it. That’s how I figured it would go.

What are chances Blizz hammers GDKP in Era? I wanna say over 60% from where I’m sititing. If I were a betting man, that is. I’m not, but if I were, I’d say they shut it down.

What do you think?


In era?

Like vanilla?

Prolly 0% chance, that version is done.

I doubt they do it in cata since the token is out.

When they first said they were going to do it in SOD i thought it was a bad move but it was worth a try to see how it played out.

Did the gdkp ban do anything? To me it hasnt done much of anything, rmt and bots are still out in full force.

The people who were buying gold are still buying gold.

The anti argument doesnt even seem to mind rmt, its more they just hated gdkps.

If gdkps were here would those people notice more rmt or bots? Im guessing they wouldnt but they would see the gdkp spam for raids in their game and get triggered simply because they hate gdkps.


Good point about the Token in Cata.

I can’t see 'em redoing MoP after MoP Remix and Cata is kinda cooked too ain’t it? I mean a couple increments, a few raids, and, basically, Cata is done. I wonder what they do next? Where does that leave the GDKP’ers? Vanilla basically. If they redo, let us say Legion, do GDKP’ers go there? I thought all the classic people wanted…classic. Cata is kinda retail. It’s all weird.

I want to say the percentages for the end of GDKP in vanilla is greater than zero.

I wonder if their data shows that no GDKP had an affect. Frankly, I think you are wrong there and the data will back up the decision. But that’s all guessing, unless they wanna show/say something one way or another.

Well, again, we’ll see.


What data?

Unless you think they know how many people bought gold and are now not buying gold?

If they knew why didnt they ban them?

Yah forensic accounting, while interesting from the fields I play in, is not something I am super familiar with. Movements of large sums and all that, identifications, tracking, I don’t know if the sand box is as transparent as some assume. At what point in daily transactions does tracking become very difficult, 1 million, 1000 million? More? Much less?

So yah, data, but what data. Just because you and I don’t know exactly what metrics they use, does not mean they do not use valid metrics. My guess is they have some pretty good ones.

Did you see the Bergybergy post (I forget his name, bergsomething) About the end of all freedom, fascist something something, and all that in the other thread? Maybe that would be a little Stockholme Syndromy? Or would that be more Internet Conspiracy there? Wasn’t there some group not too long spouting all the crazy? Ohh there probably still is. Well, a bit over the top let’s just say.


I don’t know if it’s much of a conspiracy.

Can you think of any other MMO that polices loot distribution? People here are too blinded by their GDKP hate that they can’t even see how absurd it is, and it’s all because Blizzard can’t manage their RMT problem.

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was just a coincidence bro :smiley:

Hey Tiyoo,

I’ve played all the other MMO’s out there pretty much. Blizzard has the worst RMT/Bot problem. It is blatant, in your face. Those other games, though, if I had to guess, do not bring as much RMT money in. I say that because it is not any harder to bot in those other games (that’s just basic software knowledge there). In a few of them, the ‘hacks’ team are so poorly staffed (/looksAtGW2), they would get over run if faced with a small fraction of what Blizz is hammered with daily, all day. So, there is an economic reason for RMT/Botting in WoW and it is probably because, if I had to guess, WoW is very popular and has competition that people value: raid loggin, pvp glad, etc. This is valuable because of the social prestige. People will pay for that prestige even if it is cheating/dishonorable.

I’ve reported a lot of bots Tiyoo. Thousands. I kept a list to see if my reporting did any good. All the bots disappear my man, to be replaced by new ones with new technology. It was kind of amazing when I first noticed the dragonriding bots in Retail. There would be dozens in a train, dragonriding (which is far more difficult to do than normal flying). It was randomized, but also constrained to an area. They followed a path, but it varied. It was quite impressive. They all got hammered eventually too. But maybe not easy for Blizz to solve as it took a, seemed to me, long time.

I ramble. Blizz has said GDKP attracts RMT. What I have seen in game, agrees with those statements. I suspect they are looking at GDKP in Era/Vanilla. But, we will see…


I think the percentage is high. Not 5% -10%, but maybe as high as 50% - 75%, thats why.