GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

Such a small mind.

You literally just want to lash out, even when people post in agreement with you. Grow up.

They dont understand how easy it is to mass produce accounts

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See, small.

You don’t play SOD.

i do play sod.

So don’t do anything.

Sound logic.

Perma ban is a perma ban, it will work.

Sure you do.

not really tho im just stating facts about how the game works. i enjoy sod a lot but it sucked when 90%+ of the playerbase quit making the entire game virtually unplayable. idc for gdkp but if it brings in a big portion of the playerbase then i support it whether i participate in gdkp or not

Except that drop was nothing to do with GDKP, and everything to do with Blizzard abandoning SoD in P3, refusing to balance classes, leaving Shaman and SPriests gods, leaving casters doing half the PVE damage of Melee, all the PVP failures, bumping the raid size to 20 causing most guilds to stop raiding etc etc

Except it wont.


Understand how idiotic you sound when you get the real info on this and realise they arent “doing nothing” as you suppose.

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being able to buy bis gear with gold doesnt correlate with rmt? Intresting take

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but it does and thats the irrefutable truth. anyone who actually PLAYS the game knows this. especially when it comes to classic vanilla, era, som and sod. noone likes gold buyers but gold buyers 100% still bought gold regardless of gdkp ban or not you cannot argue against this so using that claim for not wanting gdkp is irrelevant. (thats the only valuable argument for not wanting gdkps).

sod didnt “die” bc class balance. use era or regular classic as an example. if anything sod brough up the horrible classes to be on par with war/mages/rogues. also vanilla pvp is group pvp not arena even tho if they added arena to sod it would be dominated by mele like war rog/healer etc.

sod died directly after gdkps got removed. the main focus in classic health is raiding/pve (its always been this way) and removing the direct motivator for non-raid logging and alts is gdkps. im not gonna argue about this anymore. when p4 dies after 4-8 weeks tops, maybe theyll re-introduce gdkp and youll see how healthy the game becomes. just relate back to this post.

EDIT: i also find it hilarious how literally 9/10 players that are anti-gdkp are all players that have very low xp in pve/pvp and /played time. i haven’t seen a single anti-gdkper that has ever been 2.4+ in arena, no CE’s, and typically are grey/green parsers. like their opinion holds zero value. you wouldn’t hire an unqualified person w/ no experience for a high stakes qualified job over somebody that has a degree+10 years or more expertise in a field would you? well, blizz shouldn’t base company wide decisions for players that are casuals. it just doesn’t make sense.

Why completely ban GDKP? I think it has been shown time and time that there is a sizeable amount of people who prefer GDKP, so at least let people choose.

If they like a “pristine server” without GDKP, let them play on those servers. If they want a “GDKP server”, let people play on the GDKP servers.

Problem solved, and nobody will have to battle on this forum about how good or bad GDKP is.

Im ready for this to bring it back.

Nope. Nothing to do with it, just a coincidence. All the reasons I mentioned had a far greater impact on the population. If GDKP’s were allowed, the mode would still be dead.

What the couple GDKP swipers that keep spamming this forum just don’t get is that it doesn’t matter how many times you say “hur dur GDKP ban killed SoD”, it doesn’t make it any more true.

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You were serious all this time? I thought you were just trolling. Even Blizzard has acknowledged that there are entire GDKP communities.

Not sure what you mean? Of course there were entire cabals of swipers organising runs etc. I don’t think that was ever in question? The entire point of the ban was to prevent these “communities” from exploiting RMT in SoD.

But this insistence that SoD’s population drop was due to the GDKP ban is just a lie being repeated as a lot of people are upset that they either can’t swipe their way to loot, or can’t benefit from the people swiping their way to loot.


I guess there’s no point here if you think the entire GDKP community is involved in RMT and have no idea how much RMT there is among non-GDKPers to make any valid comparison.

Irrelevant, same goes for the AH.