GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

GDKPs in todays WoW age is a fail. its a literal pay to win system and promotes gold buying. it is def not obvious people want gdkps back i dont even know anyone myself who wants them back that raids semi hardcore. the minute gdkps get into the game everyone goes to their favorite wow gold website and shells out hundreds if not thousands of dollars to instantly stack their mains so they can sit on the sw fountain and jerk eachother off. go to cata if u want gdkps so bad it aint coming here and the sod devs know why.


The GDKP system could work if they did a reasonable job banning bots, and the gold BUYERS AND SELLERS. That is the problem. If there were no buyers/sellers and bots, GDKP prices and payouts would be reasonable and would not lead to hyperinflation.

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Do NOT re-allow GDKP. Just because people have financial incentive to spam GDKP support does not mean the community wants it.


since when did you get elected to speak for the community? Speak for yourself.

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Classic has always been about pay 2 win since playing with multiple accounts became normal. You just don’t realized that with your level 10 void priest with 11 posts

Yeah my bad, got yours and another name confused.

I remember you screeching on discord about honour brackets. Now youre screeching on forums. 5 years and still screeching

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Ultimately it’s time to revisit this policy.

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Did an RMT admitter get the hammer? That is lovely to hear.

I remember seeing at least 2 posts in these GDKP threads where folks admitted that those around them bought gold. I gotta say, that is kinda a foolish, cause it mayhap just ends up all put together nicely and sent to blizzard. Not smart at all. Think before you admit that your friends cheat. That’s like 101 basics. there.

Anyway, it is always a pleasure to see cheaters hammered. I like seeing you still here Drinknblink. I always wonder if one of these banwaves catches you and not yet, so I take that as you are doing it right. Even if you are wrong about GDKP. It’s cool, it’s a big world with lots of room…well, WoW is Blizz’ world and it ain’t coming back to SoD. I’d say it’s pretty certain re: that.

I think my real question is, once they have the data from SoD, does the hammer fall on GDKP in Era. That is what I am curious about. I have my gold on yes it does. But, we’ll see…


I wont ever get banned because i dont rmt.

Ban rmt not gdkp

Looking forward to the ban being put in cata and era. Much better gaming experience and I think it was a popular decision for the vast majority.


Can we see your tracking data for all that gdkp money you have “earned” over the years?

No, you dont track it like blizzard tells you to?

Guess when that ban comes you wont see it coming.


Can we see your tracking data for all the AH items you bought or sold?


Oh look, more smoothbrain deflections, as if this hasnt already been explained, excessively.

But do keep up your appearances.


Thank you for sharing your opinion.
Did a quick fact check on “No one cares” and came back as FALSE

LOL now Blizzard tells people to keep track of the gold they earned? You making up lies again?

No. I am not. They tell you specifically that its on YOU to make sure the gold you get is vetted and “legal” (for lack of a bettet term)

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What you’re saying now is completely different than “keep track over the years”, you backtracking now?

No it isnt, still a lot of space up here, might wanna learn something.

Or is “Lol, k” the best you have?

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Vetting people has nothing to do with keeping track of gold earned over the years, so what are you asking for, data on the people he vet?

Stop lying already.

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