GD: Mythic Plus Impact on raids discussion (Hopefully good feedback.)

Yes, you can invite that mage to heroic fyrakk.
People see the fight, and learn it.

The same reason why you can also invite people with no experience. It doesn’t have to be a one-shot.

The mage timing a +8, might lack dps for a 17. Also, that mage might die to stuff because mechanics actually happen.

If people don’t like the fact that they need to farm M+ to be part of their current guild roster, they can make their own guild and have lower requirements.

The mythic+ key levels comparable to mythic raids don’t drop any improved gear either so it’s a fair discussion point (even if I disagree).

That depends. Some of us don’t have time to constantly wipe. We want to clear quickly, not time to teach

Then inviting people who have only done a +8 while wanting to do a 17 is also a recipe for failure.

yeah but what change from +8 to 17 ? have to deal with 1 affix

maybe if we want to improve M+ blizz should add new mechanics to bosses on 11+ and 20+

I am hoping that Blizzard puts every single Dragonflight dungeon on the season 4 roster instead of continuing the trend of old dungeons that aren’t really up to par on difficulty or if they are, it’s because they are tuned badly.

Also for the love of god bring back seasonal affixes.

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Stuff might kill you on a higher difficulty. You can stand in stuff and live on lower ones.

The last boss of blackrook hold is probably strong enough to one shot on tyrannical.

Even when it launched, they’ve been nerfing affixes for years. Dragonflight launched with no necrotic, no skittish, nerfed sanguine, nerfed explosive. Now, thanks to the playerbase inability to stack for thundering I don’t even get a seasonal affix anymore.


It has been kind of comical.

Also some people want the affixes to buff them lol. As if keys weren’t the joke end game pillar already.

People want positive affixes because they think they can ignore them.

Now? stand in positive circle or fail to time cause it gives +300% damage boost, and you can’t do that because mechanics are on top of it.

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Raids used to be something that you completed every week. Then they changed to something that you progress for every week.

M+ is something you clear whenever you want, at the level you want. Because of infinite scaling and class agnostic mechanics, everyone can find a place.

Take raids back to being clear-able by the average raider, without comms. Make mechanics less DDR, more reactive, and class agnostic. Remove the lockout. If someone wants to fully gear by raiding 7 days a week; let them. It hurts nobody.

Wow had existed for 20 years. As someone does something over and over, they’re supposed to get better at doing it. Stop counteracting the natural progression by increasing the “difficulty”.

That’s my 2c. I don’t know who raids are supposed to appeal to. Like, a lot of people like dark souls, but way more people like candy crush.

Raids are not something you completed every week…

I did not have normal mode raids on farm back in WOTLK even. and raiding back in Vanilla and BC were largely seen as inaccessible.

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Most of the changes to the affixes was because they were just unfun to play with.

The difficulty of the dungeon and how fast you get score is where the problem lies. Season 1 was a reasonable challenge, but that was also because we didn’t start that season with good gear. Season 2 was easier and season 3 is just a walk in the park on its own.

Adding back those unfun affixes wont fix the problem, it will likely alienate players from M+.

This isn’t true, there has and always should be a progression curve in raids, you do this for the challenge and the rewards, it wouldn’t feel as an accomplishment if it was easy.

Dragonflight raiding, has actually been mechanically easier than previous expansions like Shadowlands, I’m not talking about Mythic here, but you can easily do normal and heroic raiding without coms. Guilds are actually clearing heroic bosses faster than they used to.

Removing the lockout from raids is incredibly unhealthy for the game that it makes a suggestion like that not thought through enough. The power spike of players would go through the roof, they’ll go through content even faster than Blizzard could produce which means players will just get bored.
This also effects the game financially as they will just unsub.

Infinite gear grinding to a certain ilvl isn’t good for the game.

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I consider myself a pretty casual/bad player and even I was able to get KSM by week 2 this season. They keep making keys easier. Dunno why they took out seasonals. Dunno why it’s like a +13 or +14 before people ever come into contact with a real affix you can’t just ignore either.

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Most of the changes to the affixes was because they were just unfun to play with.

If people could change bosses into target dummies, they would. Is there a mechanic that is actually fun? Cause mah uptime and dps loss.

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some affixes helped some specs more than others , or bad affixes killed some specs (every melee remembers)

maybe …players should be able to choose affixes (2 fixed and then u can choose more)

what i want 3 affixes and instead of 3 drops i get 5? (maybe not loot …but something)

just spitballing here

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

It used to be enough to know your class and rotation, listen to callouts. Now that’s table ante.

Raids aren’t designed for people anymore. That’s their biggest problem.

The problem with affixes that people can vote on is it’ll have one set of correct affixes.

Although, I wonder if Blizzard should do away with tyrannical and fortified weeks, but have those be interchangeable on ak ey levle instead.

? When were raids as simple as that? And if playing just by that, you certainly weren’t clearing it, on even the lowest difficulty. Flex raid didn’t get introduced until Siege of Orgrimmar.

That became a new normal mode, and current normal mode became renamed to heroic.