GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Glad your back! :grinning: The thread is almost maxed out. You can still travel the world by computer useing Google maps.


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Haha! Iā€™ve seen enough of the world for now, I am so glad to be back home.
Itā€™s funny, none of us really wanted to go, but sadly the house needed tenting. Stupid termites!

I am so happy to be baaack!!! lol


It ainā€™t about the money spiderman, its about the swagger


Arcanohol looks at Izzy, ā€œBut you didnā€™t even know they were gone.ā€

quickly shoves Arcanohol back into his bottle of liquid death. pay her no mind she has been spending to much time with the toaster.


That pony one looks really cute! I have Sword and someone gave me a Scorbunny and I picked sobble. Sobble is forever a baby frog because heā€™s the cutest thing ever.
I strangely want a Chansey though! :cake:
I donā€™t play Pokemon much so idk all the names and stuff. I just collect cute ones lol.

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Definitely going with fire bunny as my starter pokemon, I donā€™t like the others.

i got my legendary crafted evry thing just so happened to drop for a tank one and epic conduits too so apparently the game wants me to tank!

havenā€™t had this much fun in wow in a wile

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(Lady Cyndi Lou slowly wanders in.)


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders over, and falls asleep, in her huge Papasan Chair.)


i hope you can manage to get yourself out of that thing!

if i sit in one of those, itā€™s like upside-down flailing :turtle:

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Itā€™s FriYay!!!

I can finally get back to playing some WoW today!!

I hope everyone has an awesome day!


i think i need to walk away from that massive troll thread and go do some crafting before bed. :laughing:

where are the mods?!!
i guess one of the drawbacks of working from home, is falling asleep on the job :stuck_out_tongue:

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Looks like you are in 2 good moo

yeah, surprised neither have been 404d yet :smiley:

looks like one just met forum yeti

Ao thereā€™s this punk Denathrius. He took a lot of MY anima. Does this clown not know who I am?

I am HUGGYWUGGLES, Azerothā€™s most fearsome and terrifying Gnome Fury (sometimes Arms) Warrior!

Iā€™m gonna hunt down this Denathrius puke and give him a good ankle chopping and take all his loot.

grabs a :bear::rofl: off a table and looks at it

Hey, I knew this one. His name was Lucas. Is he delicious?


Lemme guess, yet more Pelagos threads?

I wish people would just let the character exist and let people draw their own inspriation from it.

This ā€œEVERYTHING has to be a symbolā€ only results in equally ridiculous ā€œDonā€™t shove your world view donā€™t my throatā€ garbage.

Itā€™s just people self-inflicting wounds on themselves and not even realizing it. I wonder how much different things could be if we examined deeper character themes and motivations beyond just their identity and the stereotypes that those identities create.

shakes head

Huh? What did I just saā€¦OHH! A BEAR! Iā€™M GONNA GO EAT IT!

runs off in a random direction


I really gotta stop going in those threads

Do nothing but make me angry

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naw was more annoying.

now now, not too much bear or uā€™ll be as big as a panda :slight_smile:

lifeā€™s too short to be angry - so Iā€™ll only go in those threads when Iā€™m in the right mind, and even then I wonā€™t stay long :slight_smile:

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There was a thread more annoying than a Pelagos thread? Holy snot rockets!

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My choices are angry and sad, gotta mix it up occasionally

Canā€™t linger in those threads cuz there are people too stupid to realize how stupid they are and thatā€™ll eventually reach peak mad

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I must be super duper slow - I actually had to look up a refresher who Pelagos was :rofl:

Had my first look at facebook in a while - got to admit similar feelings to a degree :rofl:

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