Ooh I never touched crafting until this expansion since I just got here really. I really have fun with it and spent like a billion hours in Bastion. Holds a bundle it death blossoms and rising glory’s
You can have one!
“The very place I wish to remain apart of. I like the ability the most and I like the Valkyrie feel about it.”
“Rising glory for me!”
I really like the Valkyries too and I like the pastel like aesthetic so that’s really cute to me! Tis dreamy!
Hands him a two instead Take care of such a delicate thing, please!
Only reason some of my alts still exist, because of their crafting cd. I regret deleting my pally who had a inscription cd. I think I won’t be able to retrieve him when I come back, because some say you won’t be able to retrieve deleted toons after Shadowlands. Inscription was very painful to level, I deleted my pally, because I couldn’t play him right, I just pushed buttons.
The only ones I have right now are Alchemy and Inscription. For inscription you need so so so so many herbs more than Alchemy I feel like.
I’m really addicted to gathering but I’m going to hate it again in Maldraxxus… Cries
I was gonna do Engineer but people said it’s bad lol
Engineering is the hardest and most costly to level, that’s why some mounts from engineering in auction house are expensive. My druid has Alchemy, because I don’t want to buy pots and flakes from auction house. Everyone in my guild pitches in for mates and stuff for raid. I throw in herbs or extra pots or flakes in the guild bank. I don’t care if multiboxers take over the auction house for herbs, I’m too lazy to farm to sell.
A thought came across to me today while at work. Stewards would have a no pants mog. A co worker pointed it out while I was showing them pictures of them.
“I don’t see a problem here.”
You haven’t played Shadowlands yet, right?
Lol, I don’t even have a guild and I’m spammed for invites. I just lone wolf most of the time.
I’m too obsessed with collecting herbs to be any fun anyways I think lol.
I really want a Larion pet. The flying lions are so cute…but those Owls are super extra cute!
Did you look at wowprogress that I linked for you? You have to contact them, guild officer or guild master. My guild takes in new people regardless of playing experience, we are always willing to teach people raiding. I was the noobiest noob of all noobs when I joined.
Some guilds will take new players and teach them, and some guilds won’t. The guilds that won’t take you don’t worry about it Mythic raiding is on a different level than Heroic and Mythic guilds are much much stricter.
Moongaurd might have a stricter screening process due to its reputation.
The pugg life is terrible.
What’s wrong with Moonguard? Is it the famed ERP thing in Goldshire?
If so, I seen it a few days ago. Nakie Worgen and a human upstairs.
I was like Wtf? I thought my Hearth was at Oribo’s not Goldshire lol.
It was really funny to me but hey, if that’s what they wanna do haha.
And I don’t see a link you posted? I’m not sure if I’m ready for a guild though.
I know it’s hard to find a solid one but I might just join a random one so I can stop getting spammed lol plus I l don’t mind playing alone.
It’s ok to play alone there is nothing wrong with it. The link got buried in the comments.
There should be some casual guilds in there or if you want get 5 friends together and create your own guild, don’t forget to have them invite your alts before they leave.
Yeah, since they don’t even wear clothes in game.
They wear feathers.
I’d like to mention, cookies.
cookies are good.
I miss the cookie gnome, and his cookie blessings.
Hooray! Got my Sinrunner Blanchy today! I’m still curious as to what Blanchy did to end up in Revendreth though…
Grats! I’m going to play Pokemon and play that until I can come back to wow. They added battle expansion pass, so now I’m interested.
I’ll be getting Shield it has the majority of exclusive pokemon I want like this one.
And of course,
Hi All !!! Back from Vacation!!! The house has now been fully tented and I am back home!! Dog and bird came with and we are still picking the cats up from the cat hotel in just a few.
The temperature was like 45°F it was very chilly, but I did find a lot of pretty shells, and a very dried out star fish! I found a live one as well on the beach, but despite the freezing temp I waded back into the ocean to return it to it’s home.
Wasn’t amazing because we stayed in the hotel as much as possible, due to the Rona, but had a lot of fun playing games with the family!!
I can’t wait to get back to WoW, and finally reach level 60!!