GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

The Monster…


There is beauty in horror :grinning:

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Embrace de cuteness, mon.


Hunters are actually fun

Mines 91 ilvl now, which is still pretty low, but still fun

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I enjoy collecting the pets, I really need a bigger stable.


I have 3 so far

Spider and Dog, my dog and spider I got right away, and a clefthoof guy in BRF


I collect one of each kind, I’m really a hunter nerd. Vist Petopia, I think you’ll like alot of pets you see. :grinning:

My big complaint is you basically need ferocity pet, cuz 10% leech + lust is real strong

Wish you could swap pet talent trees like the older days so all pets could be used

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Goodnight GD Lounge,

Goodnight Floofzie, Love you, sleep well.



I guess it’s time we had the talk. Come over here and sit by me young Gnome.

You see, when a daddy Gilblin and a mommy Gilblin love each other very, very, very much, sometimes they like to hug. A LOT. And when Mommy and Daddy Gilblins who hug are fortunate, Neptulon brings them a baby Gilblin.

As for the rapid cultural advancement, well, Mommy and Daddy Gilblins needed a society to raise their babies in. You don’t think they’re barbarians, do you?


Fixed that for you.

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How cute, you’re being both manipulative and evil, I like that :grin:

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So thats how it works? Mind blown. Neptulon is basically their birthmother of all kelfinkind then.

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Yep. Just remember though, if you think you see Neptulon in a bit of kelp looking at a Mommy and Daddy Gilblin hugging through a pair of binoculars, he’s not being creepy, he’s just evaluating their worthiness as parents.


You were cuter as a gal, ah well…

May swap around every so often. I have a gender neutral name so its very doable.

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Who don’t do normal raiding/mythic dungeons, what do you do for gear?

Hunters basically 95 ilvl, dunno what else to do besides trying to do mythics and raiding, and I reaaally dont feel like that

I haven’t been on for awhile, all I can think of is dailies for gear.

walks in the lounge with a box of Halloween decorations

puts a jackolantern outside, and uses a battery powered candle to light it up for safty

hangs a ghost by the door, a skeleton in the closet, (for giggles), and two bats on the ceiling fan

Places a medium scared fluffed black cat figurine on the coffee table in the center

downloads monster mash into the lounges stereo, while placing a bowl of candy in the middle of the kitchen table


Really just the emissary rewards and a few of the big quest chains. I do not do any group activity other than spontaneous groupings for world bosses. My 50s are generally around 103 gear level but it does take weeks to get there.