GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

The new generation is in trouble if they are always going to rely on tech. They’re not being taught cursive writing or how to sign their names properly.


Don’t get me wrong. I love a regular black ink Bic pen and yellow legal pads. But man, there is something truly wonderful about the sound of a pencil sharpener and the heady, metallic-woodsy smell of pencil shavings.

Hell, at this point, I even miss mechanical pencil sharpeners.

As for evolving past the need for writing, I entirely disagree. You can learn a great deal about a person from their handwriting and the “voice” in which they write that you simply cannot discern from a strictly typed page.

It’s why I prefer to write and edit in longhamd first before transposing to digital form.


Remember Sports Jam? LOL

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Or the value of a 4 pen


Or gummy erasers! Are you bored? Do you need to make a correction? It’s a Two-In-One toy!

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I remember when my parents upgraded from a rotary phone to a touch tone one…

The tech revolution of the early to mid 90s…

Good ol’ dial up…I can even borderline sing the tones it use to make…forever burnt into my skull haha


I wish I could post pictures so I can show you how bad my handwriting is. It’s so bad and I can’t write in cursive well either. Everyone has like these really awesome cursive writing but ugh, I don’t like how my name looks in cursive. I kinda mix print and cursive when I write though lol! But you’re right, you can know a lot about people from their handwriting.


That style of writing is somewhat of an aht form these days(excuse my fake boston accent there…:squid:)

Kids these days would be lucky if they knew their times tables…if thats even a thing anymore…I feel old o.o


They do some kind of mental gymnastics with simple math (add, subtract, multiply and divide) now it’s really stupid. My friend complains about it all the time. 2+2=4, in today’s math you have to write it as a trigonometry equation with extra steps. Another words write a full equation of why 2+2=4


Gel snaps an entire mage table of ale into existence
Enjoy your brew, keep some of the mugs, they’re good for bashing Kobolds.


takes a mug of ale

Thanks, I needed this.


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Gel bows their head
You are very welcome.
Another mug fades into existence on the table, replacing the one that was taken

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Exactly! Hell, I remember passing an open book Geometry test because I answeres a questuon with, “It’s in the book, pp x-z”.

The teacher tried to mark it incorrect with “you need to show your work”.

I sent it back with, “I did the work by finding the correct pages in the book. I even double checked my answer in the back (p z)”

She marked it correct, we never had another open book Geometry test again, and I barely passed LOL

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Yeas, I’ve read similar documentation from colleges too.

Back when I was in Uni back in Oz, Everything was done I guess more or less “the old fashioned way”, everything was a textbook that was like 3.5 inches thick.

2+2 will always be 4, the way I see it written by kids these days its more like explain the methodology you used to come up with your answer and why. It’s almost like fact-checking to the extreme. Almost like they just simply do not trust them anymore because the technology is so readily available for them to cheat and completely defeat the thinking exercise.

Grabs up a mug of ale :beer: and slams it down, tosses the empty mug at a nearby kobold. :dragon_face:

Then apologizes to the Elf I hit… :elf:

Sorry, was drunk … hic.

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In my opinion that style of teaching is actually lazy because the teachers aren’t required to actually fact check the work anymore, it’s being done in real-time by the kids themselves.

Don’t even get me started on common core logic…

I found a video lol.


This is so freakin’ accurate


lmfao… that box was legendary…hahaaha

(I forgot to mention, I studied Astrophysics at RMIT (basically Australias’ equivalent to MIT over here)

Math is actually a passion of mine, so is English ^^

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wish i had an ipad back in my day!