GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

“Thank you.”
/courtly bow


Exactly! And you don’t want to make those poor little ghosty crabbies cry, no do you?!"


(not you, Cyndi)


I didn’t know you could order them like that, Cyndi. I would be happy to try it then if I’m not listening to me killing their dead legs again. It looks so good too. Do you guys really enjoy seafood, then?

Never tried Clams or Oysters too. I like Tuna fish and Fishsticks at least lol. I’m picky.


“I LOVE Seafood.”

“I also love fishing, but haven’t gone in MANY years.”

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders off, in search of sleep.)


I have a killer recipe for Tuna Salad! I’ll post it later though

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i have no idea what to main anymore qwq
also night cyndi! we will keep it warm for when you return

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I think Genn should have the honor to put Slyvanas in her place.


Wish DeathKnights could do more with their eyes

At least I look madder than ever


This is primarily why I adore my Druid; no matter what mood takes me I can do any role needed. Combined with fantastic lore, beautiful aesthetics, travel forms, and interesting NPCs - I always come back to my Druid.

I’m learning how to be a more competent Healer in Shadowlands, as Restoration is the only specialization I am not entirely comfortable with. Plus the spell effects are gorgeous and I am inspired by the Winter Queen to try and save as many souls as I can.

I hope that you find your niche, and that my synopsis has given you greater clarity into finding a main for yourself. Just remember; you don’t need a main if you don’t want one. It’s okay to play a bit of everything!



A quick poem for the Floofzie…

If I could floof you for a million days.
Then I would floof you in a million ways.
When those million days were through
I’d floof you for a million times two.
When those days ceased to be.
I’d floof you for a million times three.
When that times was nomore,
I’d floof you for a million times four.
If all that floofing your floof survives.
I’ll floof you for a million times five.

Hugs her Floofzie, after giving everyone empty plates.
(there was carrot cake but I ate it.)


Hugs her Floofzie tight, then buries her face into his shoulder and cries. Shades of dark red and light gray, mixing amid the Dark purple, and dark green.

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I just started Legion stuff and well, i was high as hell lol (still am btw). So the little raid part at the very beginning went well, things died in 4 seconds and I really enjoyed looking at everything while I forgot what I was doing.

So I watch the cinematic, quite involved for some reasons and felt bad for the little Vulpera healer was doing everything because I was incredibly into the movie thing lol. So I was watching it and at the very end with Varian went “plop” made me feel a certain way because I didn’t wanna hear a body explode I’m sorry. I felt so bad for some reason too. I don’t even know this dude and maybe I should hate him because something something horde vs. Alliance but I feel bad Anduin lost his dad.

That’s all for Ted Talk. I feel sad lol.
P.S. I assume most of you know that but if you know how to hide spoilers lemme know.
P.S.S. Why they do that to my man Vol’Jin?


Because Blizzard is cold, cruel, and heartless. Vol’jin deserved so much better then that.


I known that guy for 5 mins from the beginner isle and I liked him and now he’s gone. So my dad is gone and I have no one lol. I think they coulda killed him off better than that tbh since I’m sure he had a strong role in this game.
Which reminds me I need watch the movie and find the Nobble’s guy to catch up on lore. I think that’s his name.

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I think the reason the Horde now has a council instead of a Warchief. Is because no one wants the job. Of the last three two went insane, and one died in a stupid way. Vol’jin was really important to the game and the lore, until Blizz decide to axe him. :sob:


(ChrisP’s undead warlock pointleslly says hello to all Loungers and wishes them well)


There is a gear on the left side of the menu
Click on it, than click hide details. It should look like this.

This text will be hidden

I put the period at the end just so it’ll show the example, don’t add the period.

Type what you want for example.


Bunnies are cute, fluffy, adorable and going to take over the world. :rabbit2: :rabbit2: :rabbit2: :rabbit2::rabbit2:


Bruh, heroic warfronts are insanely hard now