GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

It works so why not :slight_smile:


Hi there, Lounge! Seems kind of sleepy in here lately. I have been meaning to share about our newest rescue pet but the timing didn’t feel right. Now seems about as good a time as any though.

So I got a text message on Aug. 16th from a friend of my mom’s. It was totally out of the blue and about 11pm. The text just asked if this looked like a wild rat or a domesticated rat to me. This was the attached photo.


LOL the photo isn’t the greatest and the lighting was off but even I could see this was not a roof rat. Looked like possibly an albino except with black eyes. Clearly whatever it was it was found under her couch. Her dogs had alerted her that something was under the couch. Her boyfriend ended up flipping it over before snapping a photo. Then he had managed to trick the rat into going into a large bucket. After talking to her on the phone and piecing the story together it seems like it either got loose from a neighbor during their moving out best case scenario. Or they were not nice human beings that didn’t want to take the rattie with them cross country so let it go in their back yard. They knew it was outside though as a stash of human food was left presumably for it by a wood pile.

We made plans to meet up the next day so I could see the rat and evaluate what it was and what to do from there. They live over an hour away so it didn’t seem that big of a deal. Go to bed yadda yadda. Tomorrow arrives and I am patiently waiting to hear back from her. Nada. Well that can’t be good. So at about 3pm I cave and shoot her a text asking if we were still meeting up or what. She then tells me that the boyfriend has trouble sleeping at night. He went to check on the rat in it’s bucket on the porch in the middle of the night. By then the water bowl has been tipped which soaks the dog kibble. So he decides to release what he supposed was a domestic rat in their front yard. The rattie scurries off.

Fast forward about a week or two I get another frantic text message. The rat had gotten back into the house this time behind the fridge and stove. The boyfriend takes all day but finally chases it back outside. I tell her that it is getting colder at night. The rat just wants a warm place to stay with plenty of food and water. LOL it appears to like their house and has decided that will be it’s new home. She didn’t like the sound of that at all. I showed her humane rat traps on Amazon for about 20 dollars. She claimed to not have the money. Ok so I buy the trap and get it to her. I give her the smallish travel cage we take our rats to the vet in all set up. Now that whole process took longer than it really should have. The rattie was caught within 2 days of setting it out baited with peanut butter.

So meet Rogue. We thought Rogue was a girl but upon meeting him it was pretty clear we were mistaken. He is a very young juvenile still sporting his baby fur. Since he is a boy he is rooming solo upstairs but he would be for quarantine purposes as it is anyway. Seems exceptionally healthy for living outdoors alone for about a month. He is used to people that much is clear. He will take treats from our hands and accepts being petted. Oh and he is a self beige with black eyes definitely not an albino although we would have been totally cool with that too. :heart_eyes: :heart: I’m just glad he is finally safe! The temps had started to drastically drop at night.
When he first got here in the travel cage.
His new digs…
He loves his yogies that is for sure! :slight_smile:


awww a cutie :heart_eyes: :rabbit:


He really is and such a sweetheart for all of this. :heart: He wasn’t planned but then that is how most of our pets came to us. I did/do have a back up plan. There is a localish exotic pet rescue group I have been talking to getting advise from. They have been very helpful!


He Rogue looks like a GOOD mousey boy.

shares a juicebox…WITH BENDY STRAW!!! and some bears with Rogue

Yep. We’re gonna be good buddies!


He does love his treats! Bear protein would probably do wonders for his fur. :wink:


Elmer I do believe you have a convert here :slight_smile:


You know what they say.

Once you eat bear, you grow super nice hair!


Lol if that stays as your new slogan I’m sure you’ll have many more converts to bear dining! (especially elves they can be a bit vain and love their hair)


guilty as charged :heart_eyes: :rofl: :upside_down_face: :heart_eyes:


Me too! It’s part of the reason why my toons very rarely wear visible helms. Goggles don’t really count as they don’t usually clip the hair. Man, I can not wait for my Nelf to get her new hairdo in SL sporting leaves! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yep, same here - so I’ll do goggles or headbands (love the flower headbands)

The nelf scrunchie for ponytails is well done, I don’t want to hide things like that :smiley:


I adore my mechagnome girl’s ponytail holder. It’s a sprocket and freaking cute imo. I dig the ponytails on Velves too as it’s a bouncy void tentacle.


Wow, it’s already Wednesday and the Holidays are coming. I wonder if anyones gonna do Halloween here. I ain’t tryna not breathe and die over some random folks candy so I’ma just order pizza and call it a day then. xD


That’s my one regret with the long hair style for nelfys - absolutely no life to the hair

at least the ponytails got life

Pepperoni Pizza is always ftw

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Yeah that one is pretty too but you are correct it could do with a little bounce or movement. I tend to use the long over the shoulder braid more. At least it sways with my toon a bit.

I have been curious about this as well. Our subdivision is just packed with kids but on Halloween I swear they bring all their little friends too. I know my girls still want to dress up and get candy. I just don’t know how we will be able to do that safely. :confused:


We do the usual thing of setting the sprinklers to come on randomly and for those who make it through, each gets a generous scoop of ice cream in their bag. Sometimes we play a game of buried treasure and wait to see how long it takes them to realize it is the cats’ litterbox.

Seriously? We have a middle school a couple of blocks from us that hands out treats and has games so we haven’t had any trick or treaters in years.


Hello all! Happy autumn. It’s beautiful where I’m at with all the trees different colors! :maple_leaf:

We don’t get trick or treaters where I’m at but I feel for all those little ones affected! I’m sure their is fun safe alternatives for trick or treating out there! Halloween ain’t much for me if there ain’t no party’s so it’s definitely a bummer.

Side note I’m so hungry I think I might ask Elmerbludd for some of that bear he keeps talking about! I’m getting weaker by the moment! :sob: I need substance!

Edit: Rorain that white critter of yours looks super duper cute!


That sounds lovely! We are just starting to get fall colored trees I just miss the warmth of summer already. Burrrrr…

Thank you! We think he is a cutie as well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So I have been trying to post a gif but either imgur doesn’t feel like sharing or the forums are acting buggy. Oh well…

I saw Izzy and Rainy popped in. How are you both doing?? I thought Rainy lost forum access until Friday. Not complaining it is good to see you around! Just curious. I need to go run some errands though catch ya later Lounge. waves