GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

“Stay safe, and strong.”
/understanding healing hug


Yeah, meds are a PIA at first. You’re so used to feeling depressed that “normal” doesn’t feel right. It messed me up for months!

Once I got into therapy and the med levels got on an even keel, it was amazing to see what a difference it made.


Nothing to be confused about. Left is <—, right is —>. and Gnomes eat bears. :blush:

But in all seriousness, I do hope you feel better soon. Because you can be totally sure that I’ll eventually ask you, “What’s eating you, Gilbert Grape” and then I’ll go climb a high tension wire tower.


Since it seems you non-bear eating people need some humor, here’s my reply to a post innwhich someone asked “If NPCs could post on the forums”. Yes, I’m hilarious.

NPC: Hero! Will you save me from this dire threat for a few gold?

Me: Do I look like Chuck Norris?

NPC: B-b-but Hero, I ne-


NPC: Did Sargeras hit you too hard on your hea-

Me: Have you seen Mankirk’s Wife?

NPC: Geeze, it’s like I never left the Barrens…

Me: And I never left…wait for it…sunglasses…YOUR MOM!!

NPC: I’ll give you everything I have just to leave.

Me (after filling up my bags with worthless crap): Easiest gold I ever made!

Magni pops up out of the ground

Magni: Hero, Azeroth need y-


Magni (reaches into his pockets for his gold): Son of a bi-

Me: Do you know where Mankirk’s wife is?

And so it goes…

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What’s up lounge, are y’all excited for the expansion or just meh ?




Ima gonna go eat ghost bears, pew pew Hordes and bad dead guys! I’m also gonna have a blast in Torghast.

Goofy RP aside, I’m hype as nuts for SL. Reminds me, thematically, of Wrath which was my “heyday”.


Yes very! I got all my toons lined up and I just stare at them wanting to play :pleading_face:


excited for the story hopefully it will all come together


Very meh. The covenants do not interest me at all but I’ll have to get involved as part of the Pathfinder. For some reason I have the whole Legion Antorus in my mind with miserable terrain, difficult movement and tired content recycling old history. I sure hope I’m wrong but I’m really keeping my expectations low.


I’m excited but at the same time worried. Raid spots are filling up fast, and I won’t be able to raid til December :sob:. RL obligations, gotta love them, might have to change guilds to get a spot, pugging is the last thing I want to do. I’m hoping for a good Horde dominated server to be connected to my server.


I’m excited, but a little reserved on a couple aspects of it such as covenants and I’m not overly caring for being forced through the zones the way they are now [ie I really did enjoy picking where to go]. Other than that though, I’m looking forward to moving on to some new adventures.


A man like me is always excited for something new, I finally got me great friends from their other games to come and join in the wow fun. They all seem to see me as a wise teacher to guide them into the new stuff a role as a captain I readily accept. That being said I haven’t a clue what covenant I would fit into as me story is a bit complicated. That being said I’m optimistic, as a long time player I tended to notice a trend with wow. A good expansion, bad expansion, good expansion leap frog. As quite a bit of people are rather unhappy with BFA I feel Shadowlands will be quite loved in the end.

Come back soon lass. If you do I’ll have some incredibly potent rare Kultiran rum waiting for you… It was aged for many years at the bottom of a sunken ship just waiting to be tasted…


Oh Goddess, yes!

New customization options; new stories and NPCs; new mounts and transmog to collect; new battle pets to tame; new friends to meet!



Ya think they gonna add more in further patches?? So d of the belves I know don’t particularly like the jewelry option over scars and Sin’dorei tattoos. I myself would enjoy some customizations for my giant self.


was testing the pre patch and notice an odd thing the portal to bc moved and next to it is the portal to sl so it looks like it’s something for a future patch maybe another realm like shadowland can only think of the opposite like a light realm
im sure we will go there to fix all the things we mess up in the order of death


Good morning lounge

Im sorry to have not said much, been sleeping a lot. I hope you are all doing well. I miss being here


/running pounce
/happy grin


/hugs back
/promptly falls over clumsy Rain style


“Did you get my Emails?”