GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Flows very well. I like it.

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“It’s one of my shorter ones. If you want to read more, just holler. I love sharing them.”

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I have a giant plastic chest filled with poems. A lot of it was not worth posting.

Trying to remember any good ones. I will have to look later.

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I had read all of Poe, Shakespeare, Milton, and all of Stephen King over two years. I would find a phrase and it would inspire me to write.

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“I grew up reading Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, and Jules Vern. Plus Shakespeare. I have been writing poetry since I was about 12 years old. I turn 63 in November.”

“Here’s one of my more recent ones…”

“The Haunted Realm”
‘By Me’

"Come sit close, my tender child,
And heed the tale I tell.
About a dark, forbidden, realm
Where ‘Terror’s’ visions dwell.

Beware, youngling, of the mist that weeps,
And the earth that sighs in pain.
Shun the path where the ‘Banshee’ walks,
And ‘Nightshade’ blooms with the ‘Bane’.

Walk not among the twisted trees,
Where the ‘Robins’ dare not sing.
Where only the chill of ‘Winter’ is felt,
And never the warmth of ‘Spring’.

For that is where the ‘Siren’s Song’
Calls to the lost and alone.
Where the ‘Dark Feys’ dance in the shadows,
To the music’s hypnotic tone.

Where the ‘Spirits of the Ancients’
Wander through your mind,
Freeing all of the nightmares,
That they chance to find.

Abandoned gravestones, cracked and worn,
Half hidden by the haze,
Stand as the only markers, on
The pathways, through this maze.

The travelers who dare to sleep,
Within forbidden glades,
Will never waken, to the dawn,
For now they walk as ‘Shades’.

So heed these words, my little one,
And things will be alright.
Do not tarry on the road
Past the fading light.

Remember, never quench your thirst
With water from it’s streams.
For you will be forever cursed,
With deeply haunted dreams.

And do not feed upon the fruit,
That grows from withered tree.
It’s juices cause deep madness,
From which you’re never free.

Do not rest upon it’s grass,
For many ghostly hands
Will reach out, from it’s buried roots,
And steal you to their lands.

Come right home, before sunset,
And always say a prayer.
Lest some ‘Shadow’ follows you,
To snatch you, unaware."

/wicked grin


“Dark Dreams”
‘By Me’

“From the treasures of my mind,
To the heart that holds the key.
In a dream I have slept.
A dream in which I have loved.
A love which I have feared.
A fear of future pain.
A fear I slept with a dream.”

“I have loved in a dream.
A dream which I have feared.
A fear of eternal darkness.”

“In darkness I have slept.
In sleep I have dreamed.
In dreams I have loved.
In life I have cried.
In dreams I have lived.”

“Let me sleep.
Let me dream.
Let me love.”

“And with that, I wish you all Good Night. Time to wander off in search of sleep.”


I’ve found one sure fire way to stop spam calls.

Caller: "Is (insert name) there?

Me: Is the money deposited for the job?

Caller: Uhhh…

Me: Just remember, you either remove the bodies yourself after or before. If the money is not deposited within the next five minutes, remember I know where you are.

Caller: click


“Haunted Realm” definitely exposes a richer and more refined work. It expresses itself well. If not about WoW, it definitely makes me think of it.

If I can find mine, it will require some adjustments as much of it was written long ago and not as eloquent as yours.

Another option for spam callers:

Caller: Is (insert name) there?

Me: Good. Do you prefer arson or accidental? Body removal is an extra 30% on top of my regular rates and you handle potential witnesses. You have five minutes to either make the deposit or run and hope I can’t find you.

Caller: click


Good morning everyone!!


Hi GDers :wave:


This kind of thing? Sorry, I couldn’t resist. LOL.

Pre-stressed, perfectly
Poured and flawlessly finished;
I win with concrete.


My favorite of the darker poetry was:

“And thus I clothe my naked villany
With odd old ends stol’n out of holy writ,
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.”

Good afternoon lounge. Trying to ‘normalize’ my day here, bunch of medicine doesnt help but alas I try. :squid:


She stands upon the barren field.
She doesn’t bend, she doesn’t yield.
Once surrounded, know alone
Nothing left but barren bones.
Petals with a purple hue.
Broken, torn, black and blue.
Leaves of a summer green.
Cast a somber grayish sheen.
That which thrived within the light.
Trapped now in an endless night.
Surrounded by a blackened sea.
She fades into obscurity.
Happiness, hope, pain, despair.
Long forgotten, though she’s still there.
Within the darkness she still grows.
The lovely dead, and wilted rose.


Floofs his hair, to help try and normalize his day.


sneaks into lounge

/casts refreshment table :pie:

sneaks out



Some music helps, I know I enjoy this from Kelly Clarkson.

Music is poetry too. with a beat to it. :notes:

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Back again from where before in this lounge that I come to adore… You did not ask before but a vision comes with a roar!

“What do I glean? But eyes of emerald green, his great wings glide upon the air with a horrific scream. He is a great demon who reigns supreme.

His sight will chill your bloodstream, as his presence brings forth emotions of the extreme… This is no nightmare or dream he comes unseen…

The great and terrible demon lord… … …“


“That one reminded me of this one, that I wrote on a Challenge. A heavy metal Kid dared me to write one that would scare him. After reading it, he couldn’t sleep for a week… And this is it…”

“Dracula’s Rising”
‘By Me’

“Raising to flight, a way to begin,
Fanning wings of fire, so cold.
Oh, Mystic Demon, of Hades and sin,
A terror, a dealer, never is old.”

“Oh, King of Blackness, drink the blood,
Drain the innocent, the child.
Turn passion into a painful bud,
With your crazy laugh, so desolate and wild.”

“Behold a world, mad by your rot,
Now calling to feel your kiss.
They glow, your eyes, amber hot.
Destruction, your reward, their bliss.”

“Come forth, stone bird, cold and dead.
Your master has need for thee.
Alone and cold in a hellish red.
Circles, only darkness to see.”

“Humans give forth a fearful scream,
For blood on their pillow you laid.
They awaken to a nightmare, from a dream,
For you came, and a soul they paid.”
/wicked giggle

“Greetings Everyone!”


Feeling really confused and broken, going to take a break from everything for a while.
Take care GD lounge.
Floofs Rainy’s hair, and sends him and army of green bunnies with purple spoons to keep his days normal. Take care of yourself Rain Man.