GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

“For Rainy…”



what if the ones that say they are druids are actual druids

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That’s how you can tell. Only a real bear that didn’t want to get eaten would lie to avoid being eaten! Didn’t you learn that in bear eating school?

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I’m assuming that a Druid in bear form still tastes like bear. So it’s categorized as a bear, to bear eating Gnomes.

For Rainy,

I sent it to you on Discord after receiving the song you sent me. I think many of us would remind you.

I promise you, I’m always there.
When your heart is filled with sadness and despair.
I’ll carry you if you need a friend.
You’ll find my footprints in the sand.

Your songs for Rainy were beautiful Cyndilou, I hope that Kat is able to play all of our dedications for him.


i would have many concerns such as would it transform back as it’s being eaten lol

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Nope. Let me try to explain.

You’re a bear and a Gnome is hungry and wants to eat you up. Or maybe they’re not hungry, they just want to eat some bear (you).

What’s the most logical thing to do? Lie and say you’re a druid. Maybe you even have some sneaky anti-bear eating magic that turns you into a troll, night wlf, tauren, or what have you.

But what bears don’t know is that lying makes them extra super duper delicious and juicy. So Gnomes have adapted to not believe the lies and anti-bear eating magic.


So the smart bear would be like.

Go ahead and eat me, I’m like 100% not a Druid. Here I’ve even brought a special dipping sauce for you to use.


I’m assuming that giving the Gnome eating it, it won’t have time to transform back.

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Nope. Because bears don’t need dipping sauce. A smart bear would just let the Gnome eat them up because that is the natural cycle of things.

Gnome sees bear.

Gnome runs over to eat bear.

Bear sees hungry or not hungry Gnome and knows there is no chance so they let the Gnome eat them.

Then they go to Ardenweald and hope Gnomes don’t choose that Covenant.


There’s a Gnome out there.
Oh god There’s a Gnome out there.
There’s like a really horribly terrifying Gnome out there.
There’s a there’s a there’s a FREAKING BEAR EATING GNOME OUT THERE…


“Ice Bear is Gnome food”


If you have Netflix and some free time I highly recommend you watch
“My octopus teacher”

It’s a heartwarming documentary about a guy who free dives every day for a year and spends his day developing a friendship with an octopus.


“Another one for Rainy, that came to mind…”

/gentle smile

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you have a wonderful knack of being able to pick out the right songs.

You know, I’m such a coward, I knew that he was lonely, that he needed to hear peoples voices. But I was a freaking coward. I wanted to give him my number, i wanted to tell him that he could call me. But I was afraid, I’m always so freaking afraid. If i had gotton his message yesterday morning on Discord just an hour earlier. i might of been able to of stopped this. But I’m coward. A horrible friend and a terrible person. A purple rose yet I couldn’t be there when I was needed the most.


Please stop berating yourself like this, you are not the cause of Rain’s situation.



“It’s okay. No one is perfect, not you, me, or anyone else in the world. We all make mistakes. The best we can do is learn from them, and grow.”

“I knew he was hurting, but I didn’t know how deeply, nor just how to reach him, so I feel I am just as much at fault.”

“A small lesson I HAVE learned, is that Friends are important, even online friends. With that, I would like to apologize to you, for those things I have said, and done, that hurt your feelings in any way. I hope you can forgive me my trespassing, please?”

/arms held out for a virtual hug
/shy smile


You are right friends are important. Yes I can forgive you, and I hope that you can forgive me. I’m not always the easiest person to deal with. I can also do a better job at explaining and talking when things hurt me, instead of just bottling it up.

Runs up hugs Cyndilou and smiles.

Thank you Wiccan,


“I forgave you many times over a long time ago. I don’t hold grudges, they are bad for my Karma.”
/big happy hug

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I’m usually really good at forgiving and forgetting. but I guess for the first time I was really hurt, and I should have said something at the time.

Smiles and hugs you tighter.

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“I understand that feeling. I am feeling hurt deeply, too, in real life right now. My precious Moonshadow kitty is dying, and we are trying to get him into a Vet. Our usual Vet was too full up, and couldn’t get us in until the 30th, but that would have been too late, as bad as he is. So we are trying to find another, but it may already be too late. I haven’t been able to stop crying for many weeks, I am so scared he is already too far gone.”

“His weight-loss was so gradual, that we didn’t even notice until his fur began to thin out.”

“I was too scared to say anything in here, as I felt no one would really care, but it makes me so angry at the world, it just comes out in other ways.”

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