GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Praying for you two, give him all the love and support he needs. If you know what guild he’s in you might find some info from the friends he has in there, if not maybe friends.


Regardless of his outcome you have a lot on you to carry, so please line up your own support because you do not want to be doing all of this on your own.

Please take care of yourself Kat and never forget that you can only support him to make good choices, you cannot make them for him.


I’m going to take off the “Elmer hat” for a second and get real real.

Pain, grief, whatever is relative. What you may feel is only relative to what I or others may feel. It does not lessen the pain, grief, whatever that others may feel. It most certainly is not a damn competition. This thread is for everyone, Alliance, Horde, friend, foe, Goblin, or Gnome. Period.

And right now, one of ours is in a great deal of pain, and I’m speaking of course of Rainy. I don’t know Rainy IRL or in-game. But I have been where he’s currently at and it is at the bottom of a very, very, very deep, dark, and lonesome hole.

But you and I (by which I mean all of us) know something Rainy may not yet realized. He may be in a very deep and dark hole be he has us. Every last damn one of us.

And in our own ways, we have our proverbial flashlights and ropes to use so that we can rally around Rainy and let him know he is not and never has been alone.

He is ours and I doubt any of us, no matter what we may be going through right now-good or bad, want to let him flounder. I refuse to believe any of us do.

Hopefully, Kat, if you see this please let Rainy know I and the rest of is are here for him, through thick and thin. Through bad and good times. And please, if you have access to the game, I’m leaving a message for Rainy.

He’s in my thoughts and prayers and I only wish I could do more.


Because you’re all my Gnomie Homies :slight_smile:


BE Raps anyone?


Psh. I’m Forever a Nub!


Thanks for letting us know. Please take care of him, you have a very wonderful and special man, who loves you very much. I could so easily see this everytime we spoke. His thoughts were always of you and what you had. So I’m happy that you two are back together. Still, please take care of him, as a friend who thinks he is very special, I hated seeing him so hurt.

Praying for a speedy recovery for him, also as Penumbrae said Take care of yourself as well Kat. Also don’t blame yourself for what happened, sometimes people end up in bad places. I as certain that you are hurting, so just incase I wanted to let you know that it isn’t your fault.


so is there a shortage of chili fries here?
:hot_pepper: :fries:


“Tell him our prayers are with him. Green and Purple Spoons Forever.”
/healing hugs


it’s good to see all this support something i never got but from a single Stranger who came to visit me in the hospital was in there after a panic attack it was the one lady call herself Aunt Lee who found out my story and why i was in there come to fined out the same thing happened to her the year prior and she was just doing some random acts of kindness to others going through the same thing
just one of the most uplifting things that ever happened to me

/my Prays for Rainy


Thank you all, its Kat again.

His family are trying to get here but with corona its difficult for them to.

The specialist has said that although he’s in a coma of sorts that he’ll most likely come out of it soon, it was a reaction to some medicine they gave him to help rest. They also said his body had gone through some kind of shock-induced trauma, and although he is responding visually, he hasn’t said a word since it happened.

If you’d like to and one of you has his email, please send him whatever you think is appropriate. I think he needs to see it and it would be good for him to see all this support.

You brought me to tears with your kindness, I havent left him since it happened. I’ll be in touch as time permits



“I have it, and already sent him a message. I will send more, if you think it will help. Pics, supportive words, anything you think will help him recover.”

“Tell him to pay no heed to the first three. I sent those just after he disappeared from here. I was worried that I had done something wrong, and hurt his feelings. So just tell him to ignore those, if he wants to.”


Thank you so much for the update, I don’t have his Email, we mostly talked on Discord. I will send him well wishes and hopes for a quick recovery from both there and here. I probably don’t have to say anything but fill his room with objects that are purple and green. I know those are two of the colors that bring him happiness. There are also songs that have positive effects on him, so playing them might help as well.

Thank you again for letting us know how he is doing. Take care of yourself, and him.


He has woken up, first thing he asked after talking to me was to speak…let me re-word it because it was mumbled…a rabbit and a dark one? Only thing he’s said other than love you or hi.

I hope it makes sense, I’m sorry for not replying, This has really shaken me up

I have to rest now but I’ll stay in contact - Kat


Rest well and tell him hello Rain man, and that I said to remember his Green bunny with the purple spoon. I hope that he recovers quickly. Now get some rest yourself, you have had a very emotional day.

The Rabbit, he is most likely referring to me, on Discord he called me Bunny Queen.


We are glad to hear he is safe. Play some WoW with him I bet he will love to have you as his player 2. Playing WoW by yourself is not fun and feels lonely, I should know from experience. We will continue to pray for his recovery.


“Good evening… I do not usually come to these threads to post at all, but those who frequent the RP forums might recognize one of the individuals in one of the longest running rp stories… That being said perhaps I can share a unique way to view the universe that hopefully will prove uplifting…”

“Rainy, You do not know me, but I have heard of you. Know you are worth so much to many people here in the lounge and in your life. That your value and worth is more than any of us could possibly know. Call it the threads of fate or some plan of gods or a god, but every single person has great value that they may not realize. You are the product of many generations of ancestors, the fact that you exist is a testimony to your worth. But beyond that your own actions and words are filled with worth, fate being so fickle a thing can change in a instant but each action you take, even word you speak to friends and family or even a stranger can affect the world in ways beyond imagination. Your words with the people in this lounge have undoubtedly made their world brighter changing this future to a better one merely by you being here with us.”

“Your existence is great and a good thing beyond reasoning. In the great scheme of the universe though we may feel small your and our existence has a profound effect. You may be one day the ancestor of the first man on mars, the first man to discover the cure for cancer. Something that might never have happened if you had not existed at all. There are so many people of great renowned in the world, but with their ancestors they would never have come to be. The ones we don’t know have such great value because of the little things that they brought about by being here on this planet. I say this only because though you may not know me, I value your existence and know you have worth beyond what can be known. Your presence uplifts all those in the lounge around you. Recover well friend, visit us soon.”


I hope you feel better Rainy. I’ll light a candle and send good thoughts and vibes to you.



I have had a few messages find their way to me, inquiring after my whereabouts. This post is my attempt to soothe the worries of those involved.

I regret to inform those interested that I am still working through a deep depression that took hold of me about a month ago. Please rest assured that I am taking the steps necessary to seek aid, and I am in no immediate danger to myself.

I simply have no energy; no energy to stay awake, no energy to eat, no energy to post or even play games. I have energy enough to ensure my cats have food, fresh water, clean litter and get lots of snuggles while I lay immobile.

Thank the Goddess for laser pointers, it’s an easy way to keep the cats entertained and exercising!

Until we meet again, may the trees along your path always bear fruit.



“Tell him, his Dark Queen, and all his Bunny Friends, are watching over him, and always will be.”