GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Roam is an awesome song, and both are so easy to dance to.


walks up behind Izzy

BOO :stuck_out_tongue:


sneaks up behind Titan and headbutts you in the ankle

Yo, what’s up big, tall, and why aren’t you on my grill?


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screams… “AAAHHHHH!!!
almost drops drink.

(which would of made this a tragedy… if the glass wasn’t already empty.)

spins around hugs Titan, tugs on one of his braids, and smiles. hello you big, beautiful, blue eyed murder bull. I noticed that I have an tiny empty glass. I noticed that you have a locked liquor cabinet filled with Whiskey…

grins while holding out glass. :tumbler_glass:

That did nothing, you realize?

Also, let’s not go down that path. For obvious reasons.

Izzy - No. Nice try though.


Finally home! Time to relax! And think about work tomorrow. And go to sleep early. And think about work tomorrow. and wake up early and think about work. And go to work and think about more work


/peeks inside

/wanders off
/sad eyes


I think we made friday

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Yes. Yes we did. And to celebrate, we should all listen to “Groove is in the Heart” by Dee-Lite

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one more day of insane projects

I think I can
I think I can
I think I can

/giggle where’s the coffee

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/peeks inside again


hello there



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experienced something wonderful going for the eastern plauglands fire in classic yesterday :smiley:

A Tauren who noticed I was still trying despite agroing everything in the zone escorted me the last half of the way

uberness still exists in strangers /happydance


“I had something similar happen. I asked someone how to find a fire, and they ended up inviting me to party. First thing they said after that was… ‘Your only level 34? So brave.’ Then they helped me find the fire while I was still dead, so I could plan out a route, and I ended up getting the complete, when THEY touched the fire, even though I was still dead. We both got a good laugh out of that.”

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It’s something that was strong in Vanilla, but seems to have been lost in sharding “go go go” and quick queues

It’s nice to see it back in Classic

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“I totally agree.”

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Groove is in the heart!


Also, if any of you need a pick me up, go check out the threas for Clark’s kitty! HOLY SMOKES! IT’S SOOOOOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE!